Example sentences of "on the [adj] page of " in BNC.

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1 We have no doubt about the most effective route however and suggest that the starting point should be the list of telephone numbers and addresses on the final page of this brochure .
2 Er , my Lord you will see that there are cash flow forecasts which relate to the business er back statements for the plaintiffs er and then there are documents and papers which are referred to in Mr report and finally on the final page of the index there are the principal sources of information for Mr report .
3 On opening any packet etc , I can see from the index card how long it is likely to last and then record it on the appropriate page of the notebook .
4 And so we 've merely spelt that out on the second page of our standard conditions of service .
5 Er , the following three pages of the papers sent out to members still stand , but there is some confusion in the numbering on er , the first page of the rest of the report , and there was a section missed out on the second page of the report which er , we 've inserted in the new papers there .
6 A photograph on the front page of The Sun newspaper claiming to show three Labour Party delegates asleep during Neil Kinnock 's keynote speech was criticised yesterday .
7 Nigel Lawson awoke at the start of the Conservative Party conference to find himself described as ‘ This Bankrupt Chancellor ’ on the front page of the Daily Mail .
8 Maxwell does not have the same depth of journalistic background but none the less occasionally issues a signed ‘ message from the proprietor ’ on the front page of his papers .
9 Mr Boateng attracted some notoriety recently when he appeared on the front page of the News of the World wearing nothing but a G-string .
10 Then , on May 6 , 1990 , Seth was reborn on the front page of The New York Times book review .
11 Like middle age , this takes me unawares , for even when I have noticed that single paragraph on the front page of newspapers , I still ca n't work out what is happening .
12 Indeed , I well remember my one , involuntary , appearance on the front page of one of Fleet Street 's best-selling tabloids , alongside eight other guilty-looking British journalists , the morning after we had all failed to warn our readers that Cassius Clay was a whole lot better than Sonny Liston .
13 It achieved tabloid status in April 1985 , when it was on the front page of the Daily Mirror 's conservation shock issue ; and , as a symbol of wildlife under threat , it is a sure money-maker for such causes as the World Wildlife Fund .
14 Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour 's campaign was prompted by a story on the front page of last week 's Alton Herald .
15 Charlie ignored me , as he was ignoring most of his friends since he 'd appeared on the front page of the Bromley and Kentish Times with his band , Must n't Grumble , after an open-air gig in a local sports ground .
16 Eva knew a man on the local paper , the same co-operative journalist who got Charlie on the front page of the Bromley and Kentish Times , and he interviewed Dad .
17 It was on the front page of the New York Times — surely you must recall , Jean-Paul ? ’
18 Martin 's doleful face on the front page of TODAY last October mirrored the despair of thousands of fellow miners .
19 Occasionally the enquiry becomes public knowledge ; a few years ago a copy of the authority for an enquiry into a well-known high street retailer appeared on the front page of a national newspaper .
20 The Editor agreed and so a day or two later my edited statement was published in Burmese on the front page of the New Light of Burma in a translation which U Khin Maung , my talented and faithful Information Officer , approved .
21 It is to the credit of such workers that they rarely feel animosity towards a member of the Royal Family who puts on a designer frock , gets into a chauffeur-driven car , spends a couple of hours meeting the afflicted and , as a result , has her picture on the front page of most national newspapers with the word caring prefacing every mention of her name .
22 In Mr Clifford 's case , these include a starring role on the front page of newspapers and a cast-iron guarantee that a reputation as a woman of doubtful values will follow .
23 I 'm still not keen on that side of it — it 's nice to be popular , it 's nice to be loved , but it 's not so nice to be chased round and to be on the front page of the paper every day of your life , with people climbing over the wall all day long .
24 ( Daily Mirror ) ; Revenge threat was ignored BLUNDER THAT LED RAPIST TO KILL ( on the front page of the Daily Mirror ) .
25 The latter case found its way on the front page of the Sunday People under the headline BEAUTY QUEEN 'S LIFE OF CRIME Terrorised wife 's story .
26 Three days later , a front-page EXCLUSIVE in the Star headlined THE FOX 'S LAIR — A COP 'S HOME He lived with Pc during terror reign is about a named police constable ( with a photograph of his house on the front page of the newspaper ) who ‘ let the evil sex monster lodge at his luxury four bedroom house .
27 Bailey nudged Clarke and pointed to the photograph of Catherine Deneuve on the front page of the paper .
28 When I saw my picture on the front page of the local newspaper I knew it meant trouble . ’
29 ‘ She 'd make anything go , ’ the girl said , a second after reading a paragraph on the front page of Variety about two big London managements — no mention of him — that were bidding against each other for the show .
30 The way people had responded to it had been very encouraging , with news bulletins showing Sheila 's appeal and a photograph of the vigil even appearing on the front page of the Daily Telegraph .
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