Example sentences of "on [pos pn] ability [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This system should not be judged solely on its ability to diagnose the occult primary site correctly ( sensitivity ) but also on its potential to exclude other sites .
2 Arts advisers recounted the personal effects of the decline in their numbers , in particular on their ability to monitor the arts work within schools and ( where they exist ) the work of the professional development teachers .
3 New headteachers have limitations on their ability to manipulate the administration in County Hall , or to conduct a delicate personal conversation with a depressed and withdrawn head of department .
4 They began by testing 403 children on their ability to pick the odd one out of a list like ‘ hill , pig , pin ’ .
5 They compared groups of virgins , non-contraceptors , contraceptors and pregnant girls on their ability to anticipate the consequences of actions , to generate solutions and plan steps to implement them , in a variety of hypothetical problems unrelated to contraception .
6 However , it is clear that the high levels of stress they reported experiencing did not have disastrous effects on their ability to recall the event .
7 At the centre of political power , Johnson depended on his ability to retain the confidence of Congress over Vietnam ; and here also the overwhelming support , revealed in 1964 over the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , began to break up .
8 The achievement of all three aims would depend , to a large extent , on his ability to maintain the reputation for winning battles which had secured his appointment as military and political supremo .
9 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
10 He went on : ‘ This reorganisation is critical to the long-term future of the laboratory and the changes will make a significant impact on our ability to meet the challenges facing us .
11 He went on : ‘ This reorganisation is critical to the long-term future of the laboratory and the changes will make a significant impact on our ability to meet the challenges facing us .
12 But as a culture , historically , we have placed extraordinary emphasis on our ability to master the unpredictable threats and challenges of the wild world , and there can be no better way of demonstrating our mastery of unruly nature than by eating the bodies of other animals .
13 But it is an implication of concessive holism that there will be no hard and fast answer to this question ; the reply will depend on our ability to establish the relevant counterfactuals , which will presumably change with our theories about the social world .
14 Then , on February 15th , the attorney-general , Mr Nicholas Lyell , conveniently popped up to say , quite contradictorily , that if one of the offending amendments were carried ‘ it would have no effect on our ability to ratify the treaty ’ .
15 In practice , of course , the actual amount we lend will depend on your ability to make the regular monthly repayments without putting a strain on your finances .
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