Example sentences of "on [art] same level as " in BNC.

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1 By resorting to guns , even toy ones , are the Lithuanians forfeiting the rights of democrats and putting themselves on the same level as the Soviet troops ?
2 If the Arab Palestinians who saw in the Nazis some hope of preventing Jewish immigration into Palestine were on the same level as the SS , were not those Palestinians who oppose Israel today equally guilty ?
3 Not all employers have equal access to occupational pensions , and manual workers are less likely to receive one on retirement or on the same level as non-manual and professional employees .
4 This layout was a physical expression of the administrative structure that Hammond was organizing for the office particularly , as Mary Anderson points out , the special status awarded to the Under Secretaries and their political departments , by placing them on the same level as the Secretary of State .
5 ‘ It 's a lovely piece , not on the same level as Mozart 's , of course , but it 's certainly instructive to hear even a lesser composer 's point of view !
6 It says a lot about the quality of US diplomatic thinking that the Americans were flattered to be put on the same level as the Soviet rulers .
7 The Roman Church had become very powerful and dismissed the Greeks as impious heretics who were not on the same level as the holy church of the West .
8 Because what Niki was doing-the subject was Niki 's contract and terms for 1977 — was putting himself on the same level as Enzo .
9 For the Piaroa , reproduction , production , and language are all placed on the same level as basically predatory capabilities , or the means for predation .
10 His recording of Giulio Cesare has recently shown that he can succeed when his singers are on the same level as his musical ideas .
11 And many of us still remember that among the food shortages of the war years and after , the scarcity of fresh tomatoes was a privation on the same level as the lack of lemons , onions and butter .
12 The Doctor had assured them that they were now on the same level as they had started on , but Francis was n't convinced .
13 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
14 The bedroom was on the same level as the terrace , the small sitting-room and the kitchen , and so she waited for the sound of another door or footsteps on the stone staircase down to the entrance hall .
15 Presumably this puts the liability of the railway company up to £200 on the same level as that fixed by the common law and , on the other hand , does not deprive it of any of the defences pleadable at common law which are discussed above , e.g .
16 Laura Ashley was one of those invited and was genuinely thrilled to be considered on the same level as these ‘ famous names ’ .
17 The jaw of spinea has rounded stubby oral papillae , those of hamula are more spinelike and the jaw itself appears to be sunken into the disk , not on the same level as the adoral shields .
18 In most general the oral tentacle scales arise deep within the mouth slit and not on the same level as the other papillae .
19 The infradental papillae are block-like usually contiguous lying above the broad rectangular teeth , but in smaller specimens these papillae may lie on the same level as the first tooth and be separated by it .
20 Cherbonnier & Sibuet ( 1972 ) consider S. pulvirus to be distinct from S. verrilli because the infradental papillae lie above the teeth and are contiguous , not lying on the same level as and separated by the ventral most tooth as in Lyman 's holotype , and the ventralmost tooth , i.e. the one next to the infradental papillae is block-like whereas in the holotype of S. verrilli it is tricuspid .
21 Equal status ( on the same level as the class ) : one of the team , a member of the gang , villager , crew member .
22 Rather than being stored in clusters of papers in files , the layers related intellectually in a hierarchical manner , computer systems often save individual papers on the same level as discrete entities .
23 This has subsequently been changed , but suggests the view the SFA might take ; it would be logical for it to do so , since a market counterparty of this type is supposed to be someone on the same level as the firm .
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