Example sentences of "be exclude from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Section 74 of the Land Registration Act 1925 provides that , as far as possible , references to trusts shall be excluded from the register .
2 ( b ) Registered land Any reference to a trust will be excluded from the register ( Land Registration Act 1925 , s74 ) .
3 Who should be excluded from the air ?
4 Since the Greek minority would then be excluded from the rest of Albania this is an unusual example of a gift barring Greeks .
5 This does not mean however that mental processes are in some way divorced from the physical world , nor does it mean that they should be excluded from the subject matter of natural science .
6 Britain argued that British Airways should not be included in any anti-trust action because , under the Bermuda Two Agreement , British carriers should be excluded from the effects of US domestic law .
7 In the last resort , it is the global control of capital and labour that is the decisive factor for those who do not wish to be excluded from the system .
8 It makes perfect sense that old , disabled and non-adult persons should be excluded from the reference of this phrase , but no sense that women should be excluded — unless the word adult really means adult male .
9 And it would be excluded from the greenbelt because it did n't serve a greenbelt function ?
10 The objections to D forty are that the field should be excluded from the greenbelt .
11 For the reasons outlined above the County Council remains of the opinion that the two sites to the north of Skelton should be excluded from the greenbelt and included within the Skelton village inset .
12 For the above reasons , the District Council pleads that the two sites north of Church Lane Skelton should be excluded from the greenbelt , and i included in the inset .
13 You say that the District Council believes that the two sites to the north of Church Lane Skelton should be excluded from the greenbelt and included in the inset for the village .
14 Sir , it 's our submission and the evidence of what you have heard and what you will see , that the two sites proposed to be excluded from the greenbelt are functionally part of the village , and distinct from the land the open agricultural land to the north , and are visually a part of the village , unrelated to the open countryside to the north .
15 It follows , sir , in our submission , that neither of these sites performs a greenbelt function and therefore fall to be excluded from the greenbelt .
16 The Hundred Group recommends that nationalised industries should be allowed to borrow without Government guarantee and that the borrowings should be excluded from the PSBR .
17 Hence , a small family guest house or tea rooms may be excluded from the Act 's operation .
18 This implies two things : firstly , that in his original draft Robertson had included the words " Chetniks " ; and secondly that he had specifically intended that some " dissident Yugoslavs " should be excluded from the order .
19 We may then note that in the final version of the telegram , as sent , there was no mention of " Chetniks " or of any other category of " dissident Yugoslav " to be excluded from the order .
20 In R v Willesden Justices , ex p the London Borough of Brent [ 1989 ] 2 FLR 95 , the High Court considered the position and decided that a social worker in charge of a case should only be excluded from the court in exceptional circumstances .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many people who choose to work more than 48 hours per week , and who thereby earn overtime and give greater security to their families , would be most upset if an edict from Brussels took the right to work such overtime away from them , especially as hon. Members would be excluded from the rules , as would the bureaucrats in Europe and all managers and executives ?
22 By laying down tight guidelines and clear methods of instruction the state could more easily monitor success and at the same time ensure that doctrines and ideas which the party felt to be unacceptable could be excluded from the school curriculum .
23 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
24 In the case of Monetary Union , the situation arises not just from the special treatment accorded to the UK and Denmark , but also from the fact that it was appreciated that not all Member States would meet the rather strict criteria for economic convergence laid down as the precondition for participation in the monetary union ; such States are referred to as ‘ Member States with a derogation ’ , and would , inter alia , be excluded from the decision-making process on certain matters .
25 Welfare benefit work should not be excluded from the scheme ; on the contrary , it should be accorded a high priority .
26 Without this element , there would be no way of excluding planned revenge killings , and the argument is that they should be excluded from the defence because a person who plans a response to an affront or a wrong ought to ensure that the response conforms with the law .
27 Under the heading ‘ Social changes ’ the chapter says , in brief , that the deferential society is dead ; and that ‘ the coming of age of democracy in our society is a process that inevitably affects the whole of people 's lives ; it can not be excluded from the workplace . ’
28 And a subsidiary must be excluded from the consolidation if its activities are so different from those of the rest of the group that its inclusion would be incompatible with the obligation to give a true and fair view .
29 The Law Commission provisionally recommended that mere displays of force should be excluded from the offence , largely , it would seem , since there were several other offences by which such behaviour could be prosecuted , and because there were no modern prosecutions for this form of the offence ‘ save in quite exceptional circumstances . ’
30 The following series of questions will need to be carefully considered from the point of view of your client , bearing in mind the negotiation process — clearly it will include matters which your client wants to be excluded from the agreement as well as matters that it wants included .
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