Example sentences of "be attach to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( However , on May 1 ministers did approve a " solemn declaration " to be attached to the Treaty saying that " it was and is their intention that the protocol shall not limit freedom either to travel between member states or … to obtain or make available in Ireland , information relating to services lawfully available in member states " . )
2 Whatever view he decides to take , he will in effect be indicating in a clear and unequivocal way the weight that should be attached to the objective of long term landscape protection which is so central to the purposes of National Park designation .
3 Conditions may also be attached to the exercise of a tenant 's break-clause .
4 So no weight can be attached to the decision .
5 Until 2 July , visitors can see seven sculptures , including a recapitulation of his Documenta contribution and ‘ Filing Cabinet ’ with humorous fixtures , will be attached to the wall in the style of classical panel paintings .
6 Magistrates became so familiar with this procedure that , in some courts , the ‘ usual conditions ’ came to be attached to the granting of bail to striking miners in a way that seemed both autocratic and inevitable .
7 For on it depends the significance to be attached to the revolution .
8 Thus in Reg. v. Pestano [ 1981 ] Crim.L.R. 397 it was held by the Court of Appeal that the credibility of evidence given by a witness inconsistent with a statement previously made by him was a matter for the jury to consider , subject to a proper warning by the judge as to the weight to be attached to the evidence .
9 The can , with engines fixed to its rear-end , would be attached to the shuttle 's big external fuel tank at the point where the winged orbiter normally sits .
10 Crampons can be attached to the boot with straps or clip-on ( step-in ) bindings .
11 As a result , overtones of totality came to be attached to the word — for example , he 's altogether washed up — and the term still denotes absolute nakedness .
12 It is common for conditions to be attached to the grant of leave .
13 In the case of a fountain , a jet with a series of holes in it will be attached to the outflow to create a spray pattern .
14 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
15 Screensafe comes with two earth conductors one to be attached to the computer monitor , the other to the keyboard .
16 It 's easily worked , and feet can be attached to the bottom in several ways .
17 Finally the iron pin would be attached to the hinge fitting , pointed at the catch-plate and coiled at the other end to form a spring hinge .
18 As a matter of good practice copies of the documents should either be attached to the disclosure letter or placed in a file of documents delivered with the letter .
19 However , if it is necessary to follow the child around from one room to another , or if it is desirable to record a child with other children or with more than one adult present , then it is advisable to use a radio microphone which can be attached to the child 's clothing .
20 Extension of this elevated level into the south-west corner of the main block allowed an en suite bathroom to be attached to the master bedroom .
21 More than one strip may be attached to the column if the shielding needs to be extended in directions other than anteriorly of the column .
22 Finally , the rig can be attached to the board .
23 This type of informal intervention in turn increased confusion over the weight to be attached to the enterprise 's different objectives , and made it harder to co-ordinate political goals and express them in a coherent manner .
24 This again implies some limitation on the quantitative measurement of style , for within the limited compass of a few hundred words , little statistical significance can be attached to the frequency of this or that feature .
25 One investigator will be attached to the Company throughout the period of the investigation .
26 ( Weights can be attached to the waist to make the dips much harder . )
27 The astral body is said to be attached to the physical by an invisible silver cord , although it is not clear how something can be invisible yet silver .
28 Additional items such as colour , indentation and tabs can also be attached to the tag .
29 Automatically changing spray patterns can be achieved by means of a device which can be attached to the pump .
30 The hoist is rather like a ski-chair with a bar in front of the patient , and may be attached to the side of the bath .
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