Example sentences of "be necessary [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It may be necessary to clean round the cover first .
2 Only when a project manager has reached a fairly high level in a company hierarchy will it be necessary to deal with the whole of the tendering process .
3 The southern tip of Greenland , known as Prince Christian , was to be used as a decision point where it would be decided whether enough fuel remained to proceed to Goose Bay or whether it would be necessary to proceed to the alternate .
4 A trial and adjustment session with your saw will be necessary to arrive at the setting of exactly 15° .
5 Unless it is deep winter , it should not be necessary to turn off the cold water , particularly if you want a neighbour to come in and water plants , or run a hose from the kitchen to water the garden .
6 It will be necessary to decide on the amount of resource to be invested in management development , and what mechanism should be used to allocate these resources .
7 It may be necessary to return to the patient and ask for more details of symptoms and search for any important features that have been overlooked .
8 However , you may not always be so lucky and it may be necessary to return to the site the next day .
9 It will , therefore , be necessary to arrange for the drawing of a cheque by accounts payable department before submission .
10 It may be necessary to liaise with the Policyholder 's Doctor but permission IN WRITING FROM THE POLICYHOLDER to approach the Doctor must be obtained before doing so .
11 Readers can determine whether or not any extra suppression is required with some simple usage tests , as it may not be necessary to go to the added expense of incorporating any spike suppressors , depending on the characteristics of the light unit used .
12 It may be necessary to go through the whole file in order to find how much the project has slipped altogether .
13 It may be necessary to go through the whole file in order to find how much the project has slipped altogether .
14 However , to find such a connection in a dictionary it may be necessary to go beyond the ’ first level ’ of definition .
15 When one looks more closely at the individual creation myths one recognizes that the work will involve more than simple description of the myths themselves ; it will be necessary to go into the societies from which they sprang in at least sufficient detail for the myths to be appreciated in context .
16 It will then be necessary to negotiate with the adjoining owner , either to acquire the land in question or to obtain an easement to conform to the conditions in perpetuity .
17 If his remarkable strategic instinct convinced him at an early stage that it would be necessary to negotiate with the FLN , his obvious repugnance at the process caused major problems .
18 The Code will have to be given the force of law and in some respects detailed adjustments may be necessary to conform with the requirements of the Directive .
19 It may be necessary to provide for the possibility of a sale or flotation .
20 Where the expert clause establishes the identity of the expert conclusively , it will not be necessary to provide for the selection and appointment of the expert .
21 In mild winters it may be necessary to chop down the leaves and dig in the roots in spring .
22 It may also be necessary to specify in the lease the lifts that are passenger lifts and those that are goods lifts .
23 In some cases , it may also be necessary to experiment with the indicator ( L1 ) for optimum results .
24 However , it should rarely be necessary to apply to the court for directions before the pre-trial review or preliminary arbitration appointment ( Ord 19 , r 5 ; Term No 2 ) .
25 Where a party is unable to obtain a written statement from an intended witness it will probably be necessary to apply to the Court for directions .
26 It should not always be necessary to stick to the traditional layout of interviewer behind a desk and candidate in a chair immediately in front , as if about to undergo an interrogation .
27 It will also be necessary to establish with the client :
28 5.8.2 Immediately to repair cleanse maintain and paint the Premises as required by such notice [ 5.8.3 If within [ one month ] of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within [ 2 ] months [ or if in the Landlord 's [ Surveyor 's ] [ reasonable ] opinion the Tenant is unlikely to have completed the work within such period ] to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the cost of so doing and all expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including legal costs and Surveyor 's fees ) within [ 14 ] days of a written demand ] While it is recognised that the landlord should have the right to enter the premises from time to time to ensure that the tenant 's covenants have been complied with , this clause could cause severe disruption to the tenant 's business and should be amended accordingly .
29 5.8.3 If within two months of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within a reasonable period to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the proper and necessary costs of so doing and all necessary expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including reasonable and proper legal costs and surveyor 's fees ) within 28 days of a written demand .
30 With the drawer fronts , it will be necessary to top off the existing fronts using a rubber hammer or mallet .
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