Example sentences of "be report [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The creation of any company must be reported to the Companies Court ( registry ) within thirty days , otherwise the creation is considered to be void .
2 For failing to attend the Kirk , John Browne would be reported to the authorities by the Session and the Dragoons would pay him a visit — if they could find him .
3 ‘ If it is proved correct , they could could be reported to the Monopolies Commission . ’
5 As you might expect , a much higher proportion of serious crime is liable to be reported to the police and thus recorded .
6 Crimes among criminals are not likely to be reported to the police for obvious reasons .
7 Any man who did not do his work could be reported to the police and might go to gaol for a week or so .
8 Losses should be reported to the Police within 24 hours .
9 All losses of cash must be reported to the Police within 24 hours .
10 All thefts or attempted thefts must be reported to the Police .
11 All such incidents must be reported to the Police immediately .
12 Roads , schools , refuse collection , etc. will provide inputs to the scheme but the cost of these inputs will be reported within the departments ' accounts .
13 Any breakdown or weakness would initially be reported by the directors , and care will be needed to decide what constitutes a ‘ significant ’ one .
14 Could I also say one thing finally , and that is the fact that we 've tried to run together the alteration and the greenbelt local plan as concurrently er as possible , er it would appear that the timing erm is coming together reasonably satisfactorily erm in that we hope that the report from the greenbelt local plan enquiry , is not to er far distant , erm and we would expect , sir , that you will be reporting on the proceedings at this examination in public er in the not to distant future , well I think I did give an undertaking at the greenbelt local plan enquiry that the County Council , because the two are er interrelated to a degree , that I would expect the County Council would not wish to pursue either report er until er the other er is available , and that seems to the County Council to be entirely sensible , that the two reports , the structure plan alteration and the greenbelt local plan enquiry , erm should be looked at together .
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