Example sentences of "be apply to [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Realism maintains that universal moral principles can not be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal formulation . ’
2 The tables on the South side of the Library are unsuitable for the consultation of colour illustrated books , and for leather bound books , until UV screening can be applied to the windows .
3 If judges carry out their duty of assessing damages for non-economic loss in the money of the day at the date of the trial — and this is a rule of practice that judges are required to follow , not a guideline from which they have a discretion to depart if there are special circumstances that justify their doing so — there are two routes by which the judge 's task of arriving at the appropriate conventional rate of interest to be applied to the damages so assessed can be approached .
4 In particular these transformations may be applied to the potentials for the metric functions that will be described in Section 12.4 .
5 It is just the ratio of initial compliances , which must be applied to the observations of J(t) before they are plotted . )
6 And the summary from Chadwick , Ellis and Rutherford in 1930 could equally well be applied to the events of 1989 : ‘ In all the cases reported , the presence of an element has been mistaken for its creation . ’
7 I think it convenient in this judgment first to set out the salient facts of the case , as found by the judge , and then to consider the authorities from which must be extracted the principles of law and equity to be applied to the facts .
8 Under SOGIT 1973 , the test of reasonableness was to be applied taking account of all the circumstances including those which occurred after the making of the contract , whereas , under UCTA 1977 , the test is to be applied to the terms of the contract at the time of contracting .
9 This criticism can not be applied to the results for 1984–90 .
10 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
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