Example sentences of "be able [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 well I mean you 're right in a way Bob those people who seem to get on within a company some of them are people who seem to be able to say the right words at the right time do n't they ?
2 It seems to me that you 're a bunch of people having fun doing what you do , and I think a lot of people would like to be able to say the same .
3 How many SSDs will be able to say the same in five years ' time ?
4 Unless they are given opportunities to express their grief in appropriate ways which can include weeping for loss , they will never be able to acquire the creative energy necessary to find a new job .
5 It was just after this that I was privileged to be able to visit the British Museum and by the courtesy of Mr Rex Barker , son-in-law of the landlord of the Five Bells , Mr McCaffery , I was able to view and handle the remains of our oldest inhabitant .
6 The implication of this trend is that even if a country could control the money supply growth rate it would not be able to control the domestic long run inflation rate .
7 Basically when you see ‘ Capcom ’ appear on your screen at the start , press Down , R , Up , L , Y , B and after a few seconds you 'll both be able to choose the same character .
8 Library co-operatives rarely require much financial outlay but a minimum resource required is some staff time , and it seems likely that authorities with designated training officers ( or teams ) , are going to be in a much stronger position to be able to utilize the considerable potential possibilities of library co-operatives .
9 Bureaucracy and formalism are enemies of creativity and innovation , but nevertheless we do need formal procedures and routines to be able to utilize the creative potential existing in the organization .
10 If a widow is aged 65 or over , she may also be able to claim the age-related addition ( see ‘ Personal allowance ’ on pages 59–60 ) .
11 Army regiments and Army Air Corps units which took part in the campaign will be able to claim the general theatre honour Gulf 1991 together with battle honours ‘ Wadi Al Batin ’ and ‘ Western Iraq ’ .
12 The buyer may have wanted the computer to expand his business and he will be able to claim the resulting loss in profits , provided the seller knew or should have known of this ; that is , it was in the reasonable contemplation of the parties .
13 One particular family in Cotherstone must be able to claim the longest aggregate of service to the Fields , amounting to some hundreds of years .
14 To draw a figure looking relaxed or with movement in it you 've go to be able to draw the nude very well . ’
15 I 'll be able to draw the little picture .
16 Some of the awkwardness in Anglo-American relations had been dispelled by a combination of circumstances ; James Byrnes had been replaced as US Secretary of State by the anglophile General George Marshall ; Britain , for her part , had supported the launch of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe ; and the Americans were beginning to appreciate that they were unlikely to be able to tame the malign hostility of the Soviet Union as Roosevelt had once hoped .
17 As an adjunct to assertion and challenge it is vital for teachers , both individually and collectively , within the school and externally , to be able to clarify the whole structure of the demand/limitation framework within which they are working .
18 The TCCB might even be able to turn the political situation to its advantage .
19 What is being looked at in all case discussions is a sequence of focal points of which trainee consultants need to be made aware , to be able to highlight the interactional context of the difficulty .
20 It was great to be able to report the following month , that the treehouse survived the terrible storms early that year .
21 Now he will be able to carpet the bare boards of his house , something he predicted in last week 's Spectator would be impossible under Labour , so mortgaged to the hilt is he .
22 Anglers might be tempted into thinking that they may be able to purchase the Bivvy Dome cheaper direct from camping shops , but they must remember , as with many items , various different qualities exist .
23 Flat rate farmers will be able to charge the flat rate addition when selling zero-rated agricultural produce to VAT-registered traders .
24 If UK flat rate farmers sell agricultural produce to a VAT-registered trader in another member state , they will be able to charge the flat rate addition .
25 She gripped the wheel , looking alternately into the rear-view mirror and ahead , searching for a turn-off where she might be able to lose the chasing Audi .
26 Voluntary organisations , as Diana and her colleagues said , should have the confidence to suggest that although under the right conditions and with the right resources , er , they may be able to do the impossible , miracles are not on offer .
27 You will also be able to do the grand progress review ( page 227 ) .
28 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
29 That evening Clive could only grin and bear it , but when I told him I would n't be able to do the second summer course he was distinctly cool .
30 As the first one had managed to flutter down , it seemed that the rest should be able to do the same , but I judged it safer to load them into a cardboard box and lower them gently .
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