Example sentences of "be fit into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 355mm ( 14in ) twin plate unit that came with the gearbox could n't be fitted into the space available , so Mr Tomlinson had to write a cheque for £800 to buy a special Case IH single plate unit .
2 To provide continuous ventilation , ‘ trickle ’ ventilators can be fitted into the head of a window frame .
3 To prevent back-circulation , a non-return valve should be fitted into the pipe connected to the bottom of the solar panel .
4 To be more precise : the active working-class militant or potential leader must be by definition an ‘ agitator ’ , since he could not be fitted into the stereotype of obedience , dullness and stupidity .
5 Sometimes , a safety valve may be fitted into the boiler flow pipe ; a draincock is always fitted in the return .
6 European diplomacy had thus extended its frontiers far to the East ; a new , large , and in some ways awkwardly shaped piece had now to be fitted into the jigsaw of international relations .
7 If a cooker hood can not be fitted , an extractor fan can be fitted into the kitchen window to remove air from the kitchen .
8 A wire ‘ balloon ’ should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and to keep out leaves and other debris .
9 A wire balloon should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and debris getting down the pipe
10 The very shrillness with which bourgeois civilisation insisted that woman was essentially a spiritual being implied both that men were not , and that the obvious physical attraction between the sexes could not be fitted into the system of values .
11 But , by understanding how he saw leys being constructed and operating , a picture begins to emerge of a system where each piece can be fitted into the whole .
12 Articles 34–38 specify no exceptions to the pacta tertiis rule ; such exceptions must either be fitted into the Articles or they must be accepted as prescribing only the general framework of the law .
13 Some can be fitted with finials , most can be fitted into the wall or ceiling and are usually bought complete with all the necessary fixtures and fittings .
14 Sensible colours , sounds , tastes , and so on , must somehow be fitted into the mind side of the mind/matter divide .
15 Your view may materialise at the end as an opinion based on those stated facts and be fitted into the recommendation section .
16 To Francis , the use of steroids was just one extra training aid , to be fitted into the pattern along with weights , drills , warm-weather training , competitive cycles and overseas tours .
17 I would welcome a debate , but in the next few weeks many issues have to be fitted into the timetable , not least progress on Government legislation .
18 John Coles , Bryony Orme , and members of the Somerset Levels Project have estimated that this must have involved the exploitation of extensive woodland from which materials were taken out to be fitted into the track planks from the same tree occur in different parts of the track .
19 In the first three years of a Service 's Long-Term Costing after the actual estimates year , there seems to be a bow-wave of requirements that can not be fitted into the programme .
20 The remainder is the amount of fabric which will be fitted into the pleats .
21 Screw-eyes can be fitted into the front of the batten , equally spaced apart , from which the curtain can be suspended .
22 The term " user-friendly " is often misused but related to software for use in schools , it should mean that pupils of different ability and reading levels should be able to understand instructions and where possible , help messages should be fitted into the program .
23 Soon it must have become obvious to the story-tellers that such a huge land could no longer be fitted into the Mediterranean , and so it was resited beyond the Gates of Hercules .
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