Example sentences of "be replace by [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Many accessories were standard , but the wooden Hartzell propeller could be replaced by a Curtiss Reed metal one .
2 Here it began to be replaced by the South German Grüss Gott .
3 Pavlov ( 1927 ) expressed the view that the OR evoked by a novel stimulus constituted an ‘ obstacle ’ to conditioning ; and indeed , if conditioning is seen as a process in which the OR comes to be replaced by the CR , it might be expected that pre-exposure to the CS would facilitate this process .
4 In an attempt to make the RUC more acceptable to the minority , its leadership structure was radically altered , outsiders were brought in to train and lead it , and the B Special Constabulary was disbanded to be replaced by the Ulster Defence Regiment under army command .
5 In the Perfect Future Of Those Obsessed With Electronic Fantasy , Ted Hughes will be replaced by the Sega Laureate , who will spend his days inventing computer games especially for national occasions like royal divorces , and the rapper from The Shamen will be considered a cultural visionary .
6 He brought in the Pulqui Mark 1 , which lost three test pilots in crashes before being scrapped as an idea to be replaced by the Pulqui Mark 2 , which also crashed in trials killing more .
7 The Suez route to Australia could be replaced by the Cape route or via the Panama Canal .
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