Example sentences of "be refer to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 the recommendations be referred to the Personnel Committee for approval .
2 Faced with the two conflicting bids the Department of Trade and Industry decided that the agreed merger between Imperial and UB should be referred to the Monopolies and Merger Commission ( MMC ) , as the combined company would hold over 40 per cent of the snack food market — this together with a similar share of the market held by Nabisco would create a duopolistic situation in the market .
3 They are covered by the Fair Trading Act 1973 ( FTA ) , under which mergers involving the takeover of assets worth ( currently ) £30m or more may be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) .
4 In the UK any firm with more than 25 per cent of the market can be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , which must then consider whether or not the monopoly is against the public interest .
5 If a proposed merger is likely to lead to the merged firms having a market share greater than one quarter or alternatively involves assets in excess of £30 million , then it may be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
6 It 's now likely that the issue of CD prices will be referred to the Monopolies Commission .
7 The company said the proposed merger should be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
8 In the absence of a ruling as to whether Airtours ' offer is to be referred to the Monopolies Commission , the City watchdog said it had decided to ‘ freeze ’ day 39 of the bid .
9 THE take-over of Dan-Air parent company Davies and Newman by British Airways is not to be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , it was announced yesterday .
10 ( Decisions in future cases will also have to be referred to the courts ) .
11 Unfortunately , anyone phoning who wants to buy shiny tights with the word ‘ climb ’ on them must be referred to The Samaritans .
12 However , under the Financial Services Act 1986 complaints about any aspect of the conduct of a unit trust can be referred to the Securities and Investments Board .
13 Waldegrave 's allotted question times at Westminster could be embarrassing occasions : any queries of substance will have to be referred to the ministries that matter .
14 It ca n't be referring to the ones the sons of the kingdom that are inheriting it is it ?
15 The statute can not be referring to the interests of all those individuals because they may differ and the interests of the majority are not necessarily the same as the interests of the State .
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