Example sentences of "be place on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A specific value would be placed on every house .
2 But , says STEVE BALE , Neath never asked to be placed on a pedestal .
3 The configurational entropy is found by calculating the number of ways that n x linear chains each x segments long can be placed on a diamond lattice , for which the coordination number z = 4 , together with n o holes .
4 He frequently had be placed on a respirator that combined with the two tubes that linked his heart to its 170 kg air compressor , gave the impression of a man supported entirely by mechanical means .
5 There is at the moment a greater demand than available parking places and applicants may be placed on a waiting list for a time .
6 There is at the moment a greater demand than available parking places and applicants may be placed on a waiting list for a time .
7 Deciding where a stitch pattern will be placed on a garment is just as important for successful knitwear designing as deciding on the shape and colours to be used .
8 Leaving aside his rather literal interpretation of child sexual abuse statistics , sexual abuse can not be viewed as a discrete phenomenon but must be placed on a continuum of abusive behaviour perpetrated by men and women .
9 Derby Haven — the Life Boat to be placed on a cradle or truck with high wheels — to be sited on the centre of the ridge between Derby Haven and Castletown Bays .
10 Port Le Murray and Port Erin — the Lifeboat to be placed on a cradle with high wheels , to be moved by horses to whichever side of the Calf of Man it is needed .
11 Hot food is not feasible unless you have a hot tray , an electric fondue set , or a slo-cooker , which can all be placed on a buffet table and used for keeping things warm .
12 Hot food and drinks should not be placed on a table where there is an overhanging tablecloth ; in a second , a scalding accident can occur if a child pulls on the over-hanging end of the cloth .
13 The members of the ABI therefore expect that issues involving more than 10 per cent of issued equity share capital , or a discount greater than 5 per cent , will be placed on a basis which leaves existing shareholders with a right to claw back their pro rata share of the issue if they so wish .
14 If no candidate receives an overall majority , the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the second ballot will be placed on a ballot paper for a third and final ballot on the Thursday following .
15 To be placed on a planet was to move upmarket .
16 It was followed , on 18 June , by a letter from Franco to Hitler , in which the Caudillo indicated that he was prepared to enter the war on the Axis ' side , once the latter had recognized Spain 's right to a portion of territory in North Africa and had provided sufficient economic and military aid to enable the Spanish Army to be placed on a war footing .
17 In advance , using the smokescreen of Tech-Green bureaucracy , he 'd arranged for this fictional shuttle-worker to be placed on a shift which involved taking a shuttle through the gravity well to Gaiah .
18 Approved invoices can simply be placed on a file , ’ unpaid invoices for the month of … ’ and filed alphabetically and in date order under the name of the individual supplier .
19 Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relationships throughout the module and the interpersonal skills used during the module will be assessed .
20 Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relation skills throughout the module and interpersonal skills used will be assessed .
21 Emphasis will be placed on the initiation and sustaining of working relationships and interpersonal skills will be assessed .
22 An individual manager can be placed on the grid , and his position on the grid should help him to see how his performance as a leader and a manager can be improved .
23 We would never have produced such alternatives because experience has shown that enormous pressure would be placed on the auditor to move something in or out of normalised earnings . ’
24 Subject , however , to the limitations to which I have referred I do not see why any restriction should be placed on the type of order that could be made under section 6(2) .
25 This particularly applies to the more beautiful showpiece villages , which by their very reputation attract more newcomers and by their more picturesque appearance prompt a premium to be placed on the price of local homes .
26 Rather than justifying private property by reference to its role in creating a ‘ free society ’ , emphasis can be placed on the part played by ownership in securing vital human interests .
27 Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of appropriate estimation techniques for equations incorporating future expectations variables .
28 It is an indication that your weight is too far forward and to avoid it the feet should be positioned further back and more weight should be placed on the back foot .
29 Although he was a first offender and there was no suggestion he might try to escape , because of the nature of his offence the governor , Thomas Hayes , decided that Blake should be placed on the escape list . ’
30 The entry will be placed on the Proprietorship Register and will read : Note : The transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant by her with [ Husband ] to pay the monies secured by Charge No 1 and to indemnify him from all claims and demands in respect thereof .
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