Example sentences of "be see as [art] attempt " in BNC.

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1 Her intervention — after dismissing reports at the weekend that she would be standing for the deputy leadership — will be seen as an attempt to block Mr Gould 's bid for the post .
2 In a new collection of his photographs — My Lithuania — from publishers Thames and Hudson ( £24.00 ) , he certainly admits to literary pretensions as a young man and his photographs can be seen as an attempt to capture the lives of fellow Lithuanians in the detail which only words can usually portray .
3 The judges ' decision can therefore be seen as an attempt by enlightened amateurs to retain their position as arbiters of taste in the face of these threats , by sponsoring a style of architecture which they felt would be an appropriate form of building in Victorian England .
4 The book can be seen as an attempt by Scott to assert himself as leading expert on Gothic Revival secular buildings , perhaps having felt that during the great church-building period of the 1840s and 1850s his work was overshadowed by that of other architects , particularly Pugin and Street .
5 It could be seen as an attempt by the government to try to retain urban seats or , perhaps more accurately , as the reflection of a personal commitment towards the inner cities on the part of Peter Shore , Secretary of State for the Environment ( MacKay and Cox , 1979 ) .
6 Later on we shall be suggesting that some CONFLICTS in marriage can be seen as an attempt to put right experiences which have gone wrong in the past .
7 The search for love and the in-love state can be seen as an attempt to recreate the harmonious whole .
8 Thus the decision not to appoint Risk could be seen as an attempt by the Board to carry out its fiduciary duty to the shareholders ( ie to act in their best interests ) .
9 The Ford bid can , therefore , be seen as an attempt to establish Alfa in relation to Ford in the same way as the Audi cars complement the Volkswagen range .
10 It could equally well be seen as an attempt to draw attention to problems in the world that her audience might not be aware of .
11 I Nevertheless , although shedding much of the metaphysical or religious foundations of traditional conservative thought , Oakeshott 's work can be seen as an attempt to portray a systematic and authentic account of conservative political thought in the contemporary world .
12 This paper may be seen as an attempt to achieve the seemingly impossible in posing the question of why the Romano-Britons purchased vessels of local manufacture decorated with religious and other images in the third century .
13 From the point of view of standardization theory , this backward projection of Wyld 's ‘ Received Standard ’ on to earlier states can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard ( literary ) language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical ( 'genuine' ) forms are established and from which unorthodox ( 'non-genuine' or ‘ corrupt ’ ) forms are rejected .
14 This unidimensionality is imposed on history by a backward projection of present-day standard phonology on to the past , and according to the theory of language standardization that we have tentatively advanced elsewhere ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) , it can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical forms are argued for and unorthodox forms rejected .
15 Miltiades ' last operation ( in 489 ) against the island of Paros , in the Cyclades , can be seen as an attempt to move on to the offensive against Persia after the defensive stand at Marathon .
16 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
17 As such , care programming can be seen as an attempt to standardize mental health service delivery and to set norms for the administration of care for people with a certain level of dependency .
18 Anthropological analysis need not be seen as the attempt to discover the truth about primitive societies , but instead as the attempt to ‘ translate ’ ( or transform ) the utterances from one discursive context to another .
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