Example sentences of "be faced with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Parents may be faced with the question of whether their child will be considered to be ‘ special ’ in an ordinary school , or ‘ ordinary ’ in a special school .
2 In the same report another contributor comments , " For EMU to be sustainable , the economies of countries forming the union must be similarly competitive or else some countries would be faced with the equivalent of a constant balance of payments deficit which , in EMU , would be reflected in terms of stagnation and unemployment . "
3 In such circumstances , the directors may be faced with the decision to allow control of the company to fall into public hands , with the prospect that one day it will attract the attentions of an unwelcome predator .
4 It follows that a society which had removed capitalism , but which nevertheless sought to retain the benefits of science and the flexibility of money , would still be faced with the problems of these intrinsic contradictions of modern life .
5 In the final instance the golfer could simply refuse to work with his agent , who would then be faced with the problem of whether to sue his erstwhile client — a very expensive , long-winded and unsatisfactory process .
6 The oil industry would be faced with the cost of meeting the ever higher burden of controlling emissions at the manufacturing plants .
7 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
8 The individual in whom that spirit lives will be faced with the opportunity to do such wrong and it is that individual who makes the choice and decides which path to follow .
9 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
10 In years to come , the children will be faced with the reality that their first photo session showed them crinkle-faced , bawling , yawning or just bored .
11 Eviction , harassment , bills for disrepair : the words are well known , but no-one wants to be faced with the reality .
12 With a population whose numbers are declining , and where average age is rising , we shall be faced with the situation of a smaller and smaller proportion of active workers having to support an ever increasing proportion of old people , ’ ( Sandys , 1937 ) .
13 However , any new government will be faced with the legacy of a distorted education system and the need to find new strategies — as well as major financial investment — to change it .
14 Mr De Haan said the original reason for going public was his father 's concern that as a private company , with no market in its shares , the family might one day be faced with the prospect of having to sell the entire business to meet death duties .
15 But if you do n't embrace EDI , relentlessly , every year , conference after conference , you will be faced with the prospect of people like me endlessly expounding the virtues of EDI .
16 At last it was all over , and burdened with farewell gifts , Cassie left school on the final day to be faced with the prospect of the long summer holiday .
17 Or he could even be faced with the prospect of calling about individual applications or even heaven forbid , the structure plan itself .
18 If , as Marland ( 1981 ) suggests , schools should develop new integrated subjects they will be faced with the task of getting them approved by the Secondary Examinations Council under the National Criteria for the various conventional subjects .
19 Since the condition often occurs in the secondary-school years , the young person may not only be faced with the trauma of the diagnosis and the confusion of being still able to see clearly in some situations and not at all in others , but there may also have to be a decision to transfer the medium of communication from print to braille , all this taking place in the years leading up to important examinations .
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