Example sentences of "be connected to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bye-laws specify how and where such equipment may be connected to the household plumbing system and the types of fitting and system allowed .
2 Last night a County Durham police spokeswoman revealed Mr Dobson 's death appeared to be connected to the steam cleaner , which was still working when his body was found .
3 The mechanism is assumed to start at the rotation of the cam shaft A. This is seen to be connected to the sewing machine main drive system by a dog coupling at its lower end .
4 To reap the full benefit of the extra quality , the playback VCR or camcorder should be connected to the colour TV set or monitor via a special ‘ S ’ connector which splits the playback signal in such a way as to cause the brightness and colour components to be processed separately .
5 The Floating Church for Seamen was not the only example … there were inventions that might also serve God : the pews for the use of the deaf , for example , which could be connected to the pulpit with gutta-percha pipes .
6 I am sorry to have to disturb you at home , ma'am , but you do n't seem to be connected to the telephone system . ’
7 The modem can be connected to the telephone line and provide a link to such external sources .
8 For the moment , it means that recently completed properties can not be connected to the sewage system in 43 towns and suburbs .
9 Plotters are generally available with either serial ( RS232 ) or parallel ( Centronics or IEEE 488 ) interface which can be connected to the port normally used by a printer .
10 On 22 January 1934 ‘ His Master 's Voice ’ arranged for his house to be connected to the London studio by landlines .
11 Following successful completion of this initial installation , new channel cables were laid to all the peripherals ( disks , tapes , printers etc ) which need to be connected to the system but existing connections to the two 600Js remained in place .
12 ‘ Testing continued until we were satisfied that the new processor was functioning correctly and all devices could be connected to the system ready for complete cut over . ’
13 If you do not have space for a build-in model beside or under the sink , there are portables available that sit on the worktop , where they can be connected to the taps and drains for washing .
14 It can also be connected to the Symon LED panels that Fernhart distributes in Europe for Applied Micro Inc of Houston and Dallas .
15 The charge is understood to be connected to the discovery of ten bags of fertiliser at a house in the west of the city last weekend .
16 Some external callers have failed to be connected to the switchboard at all for considerable periods .
17 The closed-loop input impedance is easily found as To find the closed-loop output impedance , a source , is considered to be connected to the input in which case Assuming for simplicity that the feedback network negligibly loads the output and so from which the closed-loop output impedance is If further as is often the case ,
18 The pressure ‘ head ’ normally needed for operating an instantaneous water heater , typically 10m or 15psi ( pounds per square inch ) , means that they have to be connected to the mains .
19 If the process is running , this will set up the required logical names and symbols , and the user then only has to type the symbol , specified by USERACCESSLOGICAL , to be connected to the process ( see Section 2.4 , LIFESPAN Configuration File ) .
20 Cylinders of gas can be connected to the spile hole to keep a blanket of applied CO 2 on the beer .
21 Through an interface with a Hewlett-Packard supervisory computer , the measurement system will be connected to the Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control system with additional communications links to the terminal 's computerised hydrocarbon accounting and tanker management systems .
22 Although there are special fittings to allow washing machine waste pipes to be connected to the sink waste , the best way of plumbing in a washing machine is to make a permanent connection to the pipes in the kitchen for the water supply and to fit a stand pipe and trap leading through a hole in the outside wall for the waste pipe .
23 This may be connected to the fact that the youngsters came bottom as far as hugs were concerned , as 57pc said their parents hugged them compared with a national average of 70pc .
24 You can now hang the new radiator on its brackets , and check that the old valves can be connected to the valve tails .
25 Thus the first two bits might be connected to the gates which control the data paths from the accumulator to each side of the adder , the next two to the gates which control the data paths from the SDR to each side of the adder , and the next one to the gate which controls the data path from the adder output to the accumulator .
26 Most prospective rural housebuilders were prepared to employ cesspits instead of mains drainage and to pay to be connected to the county 's ageing but still serviceable water supply system , whilst being content to build their houses alongside existing roads , dismissing any arguments about the aesthetics of ribbon development .
27 erm In principle it should be possible to be able to speak into a microphone , or to write on a pad , with a pencil , and the computer would be connected to the microphone or the pad and would take in and interpret what you 've done , without having to learn this rather clumsy method of putting things in one letter at a time .
28 Note 1 : The ‘ number of channels ’ specifies the number of analogue inputs that may be connected to the ADC chip .
29 Those at Rye Harbour and Northpoint Beach , Rye are extensive and largely undisturbed , although again there is strong pressure for recreational use ; that at Northpoint Beach is to be connected to the River Rother and used as a yacht basin .
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