Example sentences of "be forced [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Omitting the voltmeter from our circuit , so that a current can How in the resistive wire , it may be seen that some of the current will be forced through the wire hence the device works as a generator .
2 The national gallery told the Minister 's predecessor , the right hon. Member for Shoreham — no doubt the arguments were repeated to the Minister personally by many of the trustees and directors of the museums — that they did not want powers of disposal — not because they did not trust their own intellectual judgment , but , following the line set down in the Museums and Galleries Commission 's 1988 report on the national gallery , because those powers should not be forced on the galleries .
3 Will he reflect on the fact that , if the Bill is passed , redundancy arrangements will be forced on the coalfields , and especially the pits in Nottinghamshire ?
4 Then they are most likely to be forced to the surface by lack of water .
5 Again , one may be forced to the conclusion that his departure was a blessing in disguise for him .
6 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
7 In a wider context a quantity of labour will be forced into the sectors of the economy where there is less rigidity .
8 The war made severe inroads into his livelihood and at times he would be forced onto the hills to join the gangs doing the walling , but he hated being away from his family and they too suffered from the separation and besides the wages were not enough for all seven of them .
9 In terms of optimum climatic conditions , the Corn Belt would be forced towards the north on to acid podzol soils which are badly leached and which would require extensive and expensive soil amendments .
10 Does the Minister appreciate that , today , 25 farm workers will lose their jobs and 14 farmers will be forced off the land ?
11 In reviewing the organization of higher education in Wales , the draft report recognizes the sovereign position of the university and concludes that it ‘ may be forced in the interests of Wales as a whole to recognise other objectives as equally pressing ’ , such as the development of trans-binary relationships through more open discussion of higher education .
12 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
13 The statute laid down that measures ‘ for the estate of the king and his heirs and for the estate of the realm and people should be granted only by the king in parliament , the implication being no doubt that such measures should not be forced upon the king by his subjects or drawn up by non-parliamentary assemblies .
14 The only real hope for MAC is for Rupert Murdoch and the new BSkyB service to give ( or be forced by the ITC to give ) a long-term commitment on making all their PAL transmissions from Astra simultaneously available in MAC from Marcopolo .
15 The Chief Secretary then sought to imply that the Government might in some way be forced by the EC to extend the coverage of VAT .
16 Paisley played a part in the Ulster Workers Council but , like the other politicians , he had had to be forced by the workers ' action in starting the strike despite his reservations .
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