Example sentences of "be determined by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rate of interest we charge will be linked to Midland Bank Base Rate , and will be determined by the size and likely duration of the overdraft and whether or not security is something your Midland manager will discuss when arranging your overdraft .
2 This will be determined by the size of tool you use .
3 The size of investment in the hardware , the software and all the add-on facilities is going to be determined by the size of your firm .
4 The investment in advice will be determined by the size of the investment in technology .
5 Refraction at c and c' will again be determined by the law of refraction , so that an observer viewing the raindrop will see the red and blue components of the white light separated ( and also all the other colours of the spectrum ) .
6 In this connection it is worth noting that in another context , and in another part of the same Act , Parliament has made express provision for cases in which the suitability of particular accommodation is to be determined by the court in the course of ordinary litigation .
7 The size of your patio will be determined by the space available and its intended uses .
8 She would be responsible for integrating the two contributions and making sure it will be a coherent whole and she would share her royalty with him at a rate to be determined by the proportion of the work each ends up doing .
9 Timing of the airdrops was to be determined by the defence department in co-operation with the United Nations , the president said in a written statement .
10 Neill LJ giving the judgment of the court said : ( 1 ) Where the parties are , or have been , linked by a contract of employment the obligations of the employee are to be determined by the contract between him and his employer .
11 For many of the most elderly , remaining independent will be determined by the level of support and practical help provided by relatives , friends and by organised services .
12 * This amount will be determined by the level of the FT-SE 100 Index prevailing at or about 11.00 am on the maturity date of the Bond .
13 The first attempt to describe rubber elasticity analytically was that of Rivlin , who proposed a " neo-Hookean solid " having the property that the stress , measured in the deformed state , was related to the components of large strain in the case where there is no rotation by the equation In this equation E is a modulus , equivalent to Young 's modulus at small strain , while P is a hydrostatic term to be determined by the boundary conditions .
14 This fear of the mob has continued to haunt the executive , who saw that control could best be determined by the installation of a professional police organization formulated on strict hierarchic , semi-militaristic lines , and possessed of discipline , obedience , and loyalty .
15 In any one society , the meaning of ‘ aggression ’ will be determined by the presence or absence of related concepts such as ‘ bravery ’ , ‘ cowardice ’ , ‘ honour ’ , ‘ peacemaker ’ , ‘ bully ’ , and so on .
16 The verdict passed on people in the final judgment will be determined by the attitude they adopted to Christ during their lifetime ( Matt.
17 ( 7 ) The members of a licensing board for an islands area or licensing division of an islands area shall be elected at a meeting of the council of the islands area to be held on a date between May 16 , 1977 and June 30 , 1977 to be determined by the council , and , in the case of subsequent elections of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
18 All CIS member states signed an agreement on a single defence budget into which they would pay fixed contributions to be determined by the Council of Heads of Government .
19 Staff availability should be determined by the work to be done .
20 The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
21 Open price contracts are specifically provided for in ss8 and 9 of SGA 1979 which state : 8 – ( 1 ) The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
22 ‘ Everything ’ , as Stalin said , ‘ should be determined by the correlation of forces ’ .
23 Under the provisions of a service agreement , an employee 's salary , or a bonus , may be determined by the certificate of the company 's auditors .
24 And since economic practice is defined by a mode of production , the character of a given economic practice will be determined by the whole of which it is an element , and may be quite unlike its counterparts in other societies .
25 Instead , the real wage would be determined by the interaction of the aggregate demand for labour and the aggregate supply of labour .
26 Policy-making outcomes may be determined by the interaction of three forces : political input ( ideological politics ) , organizational considerations within departments ( administrative politics ) and external pressures ( bargaining politics ) .
27 This tradition happily has been continued by his successors whose duties have included presiding at the Annual General Meeting , an unpredictable , lively affair where it has been known for election to the Board to be determined by the toss of a coin !
28 This register shall be available to any member of the public at times and places to be determined by the clerk .
29 ( 6 ) A local education authority shall , if so requested by the governors of an aided or special agreement school maintained by the authority , make arrangements with the governors in respect of the admission of pupils to the school for preserving the character of the school ; and the terms of any such arrangements shall , in default of agreement between the authority and the governors , be determined by the Secretary of State .
30 ( 5 ) The duty imposed by subsection ( 2 ) above in relation to a preference expressed in accordance with arrangements made under subsection ( 1 ) above shall apply also in relation to — ( a ) any application for the admission to a school maintained by a local education authority of a child who is not in the area of the authority ; and … [ ( 6 ) A local education authority shall , if so requested by the governors of an aided or special agreement school maintained by the authority , make arrangements with the governors in respect of the admission of pupils to the school for preserving the character of the school ; and the terms of any such arrangement shall , in default of agreements between the authority and the governors , be determined by the Secretary of State . ]
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