Example sentences of "be included in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , the first requirement is that older workers should be included in the drive for a more skilled workforce .
2 Provision should be made for medical treatment to be included in the cover .
3 These should in theory be included in the measure of current income .
4 But what should be included in the measure ?
5 Mr McTavish forbore to mention that he had n't made it quite to the same standard as his host but was obviously pleased to be included in the generalization .
6 David Young , the Lions prop , has recovered from his hamstring strain in time to be included in the Cardiff side to tackle the All Blacks on Saturday .
7 Cartoon characters and keep-fit tips will be included in the GPTV service in London which starts in the New Year .
8 Now there are various ways in which a policy could be expressed but the policy that 's come up erm from North Yorkshire and the fact that it is deported by the district who would be defining that policy and interpreting it in view of their local circumstances in due course , I think er makes it a powerful factor in arguing why it should be included in the structure plan as to whether such a policy may or may not be necessary .
9 Some of the major features to be included in the March issue
10 You must supply a comment to be included in the modification record of the package header under the COMMENT keyword .
11 You must supply a comment to be included in the modification record of the package header under the COMMENT keyword .
12 The group is also demanding that a strip of virgin forest along the Burmese border be included in the designation .
13 We had , of course , suggested to ICAO beforehand that the items we were concerned with should be included in the agenda but we were informed by the secretariat that there was not time enough to consider these matters .
14 When we had all assembled for the first plenary session to approve the agenda , I was all ready with my dissenting speech when it was announced by the Secretary General that the additional items would be included in the agenda if the other matters already there were completed in time to consider additional ones .
15 There were two separate issues for the research : ( i ) which pupils would be included in the testing ; and , ( ii ) if a wide range of tests was to be developed , each of them would be taken by different and fairly small samples from among the target pupils , how could the comparability of the samples be checked ?
16 When the directors consider that it is essential for some reason to depart from these fundamental accounting principles a note must be included in the accounts stating the nature of the departure , the reason for it , and its effect .
17 Such notes may be included in the accounts or in separate documents annexed thereto .
18 The extent to which these kinds of considerations can be included in the accounts depend upon the extent to which they were included in the budget .
19 The question which warrants discussion is what the goods should be included in the accounts at as they are defective .
20 The dynamic principle implied in the material/device distinction means that elements of form itself can be included in the concept of material .
21 I have therefore decided that transactions by banks and building societies in gilts will , from now on , be included in the funding definition .
22 All sizes of the pack to be marketed should be included in the test .
23 In tests of products in sales packs , there should always be included in the test control samples of the product packaged in inert impermeable containers .
24 Final selection of the plates to be included in the test was determined by a number of criteria : the percentage of subjects getting an item correct had to increase with the age of the children ; the distractors at each age should attract responses , but not correlate with the total score ; and the final items needed to be evenly spread across the ability range .
25 A Hot Pot can be included in the army if the army also includes at least one Halfling regiment .
26 Covenants may be included in the contract and conveyance imposing an obligation on the purchaser , which has both cost and value implications .
27 For example , in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 Megaw LJ said : … it is appropriate that a covenant , restricting an employee from full freedom of taking other employment when he leaves his existing employment , should be included in the contract of employment where there is a real danger that the employee will in the course of that employment have access to and gain information about matters which could fairly be regarded as trade secrets ; and that applies even though the information may be carried in his head and even though ( perhaps , particularly though ) it may be extremely difficult for the employee himself , being an honest and scrupulous man , to realise that what he is passing on to his new employers is matter which ought to be treated as confidential to his old employers .
28 A provision could therefore be included in the contract that the buyer has not made its purpose known , has relied exclusively on its own skill and judgment , or that the seller claims no expertise in relation to the suitability of the goods for any stated purpose .
29 The grossed up amount of the debt should therefore be included in the taxpayers ' total incomes for higher rate tax purposes .
30 This will be included in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement as an obligation which the transferor must procure. ( 2 ) Exemption from the pre-emption provisions to allow : transfers within corporate groups : transfers to immediate relatives and family trusts ; transfers by an investor which is a managed fund to other funds managed by the same investor ; " warehousing " ( subject to the control of the investor ) .
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