Example sentences of "be included [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As such , DIP should , in future , be included to a greater or lesser extent in all organisations ' information systems strategies .
2 This proportion will continue to grow in 1993 as the Company will be included for a full 12 months .
3 But even then , such estimates do not take into account certain types of income which must be included for an accurate picture .
4 By the time of the Declaration of Arbroath he had attained sufficient eminence to be included as a principal signatory along with five earls .
5 Consequently the guideline in the BCU Coaching Scheme lay down that all canoeists should be able to swim 50 metres in light clothing and that capsize drill should be included as an early lesson ( p 357 , Canoeing Handbook ) .
6 Your army may include Reiksmarshall Captain Kurt Helborg as a general in the absence of any other suitable candidate , but he does not have to be a general and can be included as an ordinary character model .
7 Green belts were made feasible by the land use planning system established by the Town and Country Planning Act , 1947 : local authorities were obliged to prepare development plans showing land use allocations and , because of the compensation provisions , green belts could be included at no direct cost to local authorities .
8 In , if the skills of MAS are likely to be required by the client in the later stages of the acquisition process , MAS should be included at the earliest possible opportunity ( if not already the main client contact ) .
9 If necessary this description can be included on a separate piece of paper attached to the form
10 It can however be arranged for several bills within one household to be included on the same payment .
11 Van Engen argues that the growth factor should be included with the other traditional ‘ marks ’ of the true Church .
12 The Beta release of presentations has come with a quite large amount of pre-drawn template material , which will be included with the final release , and which makes actually forming a presentation very simple .
13 Payments to the smaller labour and material sub-contractor may be included with the weekly labour-only payments whereas the larger companies may be paid monthly or on a monthly account basis with or without cash discount .
14 This has not been based on the theoretical approach adopted above ; instead , it has been concerned with offering criteria to be used in practice in order to determine whether a unit should be included within the overall financial report of what they call the ‘ oversight unit .
15 These were understood to have stalled on disagreements over fresh US proposals to settle the oilseed dispute involving ( i ) the capping of EC oilseed production at 9,000,000 tonnes ; ( ii ) limiting land sown with subsidised oilseeds to no more than 5,128 million hectares ; ( iii ) setting aside , in the first year , 15 per cent of land growing oilseeds , with any oilseeds grown on set-aside land ( for industrial use , for example ) to be included within the 9,000,000 tonne limit ; and ( iv ) cutting present yields of 2.36 tonnes per hectare to meet the 9,000,000 tonne limit .
16 Syngman Rhee was dissatisfied with American policy , which was insufficiently supportive , and he told Muccio that South Korea should be included within an essential American defence line .
17 They are likely to be included in a new employment Bill , alongside measures to make all secondary action unlawful and abolish the pre-entry closed shop .
18 Action : 100 approved modules is the maximum which can be included in a new baseline in one attempt .
19 Relatively inexpensive items could be included in a general household policy , but obtain separate cover for more valuable rugs .
20 The measures to enforce ‘ parental responsibility ’ will be included in a wide-ranging criminal justice White Paper in the next parliamentary session .
21 The Climate Council , a lobbying organization representing the US energy industry , has written to the UN 's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) warning that its projections — due to be included in a revised report on climate change to be published in the run-up to the UNCED in Rio de Janeiro — might be interpreted by outsiders as forecasts rather than as " scenarios " , as intended by the IPCC .
22 Evidence that Perot 's candidacy was growing in popularity in late October led to hints by both the Bush and Clinton camps that Perot could be included in a future Cabinet .
23 All these activities can be included in a private course if requested .
24 3.2 PSD modules may be included in a wide range of programmes and none are highly specialised .
25 Personal and Social Development modules may be included in a wide range of programmes .
26 I would propose that any such amendment should be resisted on the ground that it is inappropriate that such a far-reaching change in the law should be included in a Criminal Justice Bill , and that , if any such change in the law were to be effected , it should be after full consideration in a separate Bill dealing solely with this subject .
27 If the request were to be included in a foreign aid appropriations bill already going through the Senate , it could secure approval by Sept. 30 ( the end of the 1991 fiscal year ) .
28 This is probably too introspective ( i.e. self-critical ) to be included in a real-life report , but it is a genuine problem none the less , and you need to show that you have recognized it as such .
29 Mark Hammonds , marketing executive of BP Solar , recommends that a regulator should be included in a generating circuit if the capacity of the 12V battery is less than 50 times higher than the peak output current of the generator .
30 An examination of the curricula of twenty LEAs enabled me to discover the word ‘ death ’ to be included in a third of the schemes for the different age groups from 7 to 14 , although tucked away beneath such general headings as ‘ Beliefs , Practices , Customs and Artefacts ’ ; ‘ Rites of Passage ( e.g. Initiation through Baptism , Burial Rites ’ ) ; ‘ Self-understanding ( e.g. Integrity , Pride , Humility , Loneliness , Suffering , Bereavement and Death ’ ) .
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