Example sentences of "be drawn between the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A distinction should be drawn between the imposition of conditions under sections 12 and 14 , and a ban imposed under section 13 .
2 Another study , analysing search negotiations between librarians and users and the subsequent search process , shows that certain parallels can be drawn between the matching and contextual approaches adopted by the users of the PRECIS index .
3 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
4 Mittler and Mittler ( 1982 ) make a similar point when they argue that a clear distinction should be drawn between the concepts of ‘ partnership ’ and ‘ involvement ’ .
5 Even those who have fully accepted the thesis that all varieties of animal , including man , had a common origin in remote geological time have still managed to believe that a clear-cut distinction may be drawn between the culture of man and the mechanistic responses which we can observe in the interaction processes of other animals .
6 A distinction is sought to be drawn between the staff included in clause 1 of section 34 ( being those also falling within section 35 and who are appointed until a fixed age ) and staff not so appointed to whom section 34(3) applies and who may be dismissed on the notice period specified in their letter of appointment .
7 Is there any distinction to be drawn between the words required to be spoken by a constable ( a ) acting pursuant to section 7(3) of the Act and ( b ) acting pursuant to section 8(2) thereof , after the suspect has been told , in the latter case , of his right to claim that the breath specimen taken from him should be replaced by a blood or urine specimen ?
8 From time to time discipline required some distance , briefly , to be drawn between the adult and the student but managers deliberately kept such periods short , in order not to dissipate the strength of the group .
9 No hard and fast line can be drawn between the workers who are and those who are not to be counted amongst ‘ the poor ’ ; there is a constant flux , and besides those who suffer from chronic underpayment , artisans , as well as tradesmen and rustics , are constantly sinking , with or without their own fault , into the depth of misery .
10 To argue as Bernard Williams does is to suggest that there is no sharp line to be drawn between the arts and the social sciences ; for it is the acknowledged role of the latter to contribute to our understanding of ourselves and our society .
11 I will also seek to show how many parallels can be drawn between the arguments used to legitimate corporate managerial power and the arguments used in administrative law to explain , control and legitimate the power conferred upon administrative bodies .
12 Nevertheless there is a distinction to be drawn between the value we must ascribe to language and that which we ascribe to art .
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