Example sentences of "be fully [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These underlying questions can only be fully studied in a situation where the curriculum is of the type recommended by Cockcroft , and a graduated assessment scheme is in operation .
2 Celibacy , originally a voluntary charism , became a requirement for ordination , although it would not be until the eleventh century that this law would be fully imposed on the Latin Church .
3 These humanist goals could be fully covered by the ideals which are sometimes described as socialist .
4 What is more , at least some of the extras that typically appear at funerals may not be fully covered in the plans available .
5 In August , the intelligence service will be fully staffed with a team of 400 police and Customs officers .
6 ‘ if freedom of establishment were to be fully applied in the fisheries sector , it would create a serious economic , social and political crisis in the Community 's maritime regions .
7 The launch sites would be constructed by the United Kingdom , and the missile systems would be fully manned by the RAF crews .
8 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
9 For instance , Susan Trangmar 's slide installation can not be fully seen from the margins , but the act of walking to the centre of the four projector installation involves passing one of the projectors so that your shadow passes across the image .
10 She was wearing long evening gloves , indeed seemed to be fully dressed for a ball .
11 Router movement can be solved by changing the holding bolts for longer ones with a fine thread and fitting very thick washers , so enabling the nuts to be fully tightened without the router getting in the way of the spanner .
12 Up to date copies of the THREE STOKES GUIDE together with instructions for its use have been provided to all Personal Depts. — all staff involved in Pleasurecraft claims should be fully instructed in the use of this Guide .
13 Telomere function seems to be fully defined within a few hundred base pairs in ciliates or yeasts and thousands base pairs in vertebrates .
14 These measures will be fully explained to the Annual Conference of Presidents and Secretaries of Local Law Societies in London on Tuesday 19 January when John Appleby , Chairman of the Courts and Legal Services Committee , will present the package and call on the Government to withdraw its proposed eligibility cuts immediately now that an alternative package of savings has been agreed by the profession .
15 From our laboratory , it has previously been reported that the acid stimulatory effect of gastrin can be fully explained by the stimulation of histamine release .
16 If all the syndicates were to be fully reserved on a basis on which Names could be confident of not being called for further sums , Chatset estimates that reserves of £1.5bn would have to be increased to £3.5bn .
17 Losses in connection with the terrorist explosions in London in April are estimated at around $6m , net of reinsurance , which will be fully reserved in the second quarter .
18 Needless to say , all assistance will be fully acknowledged in the eventual book .
19 This must be fully acknowledged by the secondary school history department when planning its work .
20 THE CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding Amnesty 's adoption as a prisoner of conscience of Vic Williams , the British soldier currently serving a 14-month prison sentence for desertion , are to be fully aired at the AGM on 10–12 April .
21 The seller can not expect on the one hand to be fully compensated for the sale falling through and on the other to be allowed in addition to retain a deposit already received .
22 Meanwhile , a poll of 75 Tory back-benchers in the Sunday Times showed three out of four believed pensioners and poor families should be fully compensated for the cost of the decision to impose VAT on domestic fuel .
23 Mr Lamont resisted persistent demands from Labour for assurances that pensioners not covered by income support would be fully compensated for the 17.5 per cent increase from April 1995 .
24 Development of the avionics system for the bat-shaped B-2 bomber is at least two years behind schedule and the system may not be fully developed by the time the aircraft is to be deployed in the middle of the next decade .
25 The reason why I run culture and ideology together to identify the institutionalization of consumerism is that consumerism in the global system can only be fully understood as a cultural-ideological practice .
26 Most will be explained in the chapters dealing with each particular aspect of weaving and design , but certain essentials need to be fully understood at the outset .
27 Compiled annually , it is a voluminous source which can now be fully exploited for the first time using computer techniques .
28 Looking to the future , in the 1990's the Channel Tunnel is due for completion and the flow of traffic generated by this new route will , no doubt , be fully exploited by the drugs runners and pose new problems for British and French Customs controls .
29 Each national file will be fully documented in the national and English language and will include , at the least , an SPSS Dictionary file .
30 Mr Portillo was pressed by Mr Brown three times to say whether the VAT charge would be fully repaid to the poor through benefits .
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