Example sentences of "be fully [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The carapace required almost a year to become fully symbiotic with the body — and its owner required purification , distillation in the alembic of combat before his augmented natural body could be judged to be fully transmuted in spirit as well as in flesh and bone , and thus worthy of donning complete Marine armour …
2 These policies should be fully supported by doctors and their organisations — because racial discrimination damage both those discriminated against and those doing the discriminating .
3 That organists or directors of music be fully supported by clergy and parishes in their efforts to recruit people for choirs and music groups ( 586–588 ) .
4 The car , which could have raced as early as May , will be fully prepared for action with Prost behind the wheel next season .
5 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
6 Within such a context it is easier to see how a series of advances , retreats and confusing divisions can be explained as part of a general shift which is of wider significance than the accumulation of a mass of detailed incidents , each of which can only be fully explained in terms of its own unique genesis .
7 These variations do not appear to be fully explained by differences in the types of case coming before the courts concerned ( Jones , 1995 : 116 ) .
8 Moreover , these variations were found not to be fully explained by differences in either the kind of offences with which each court had to deal , or the offenders coming before them .
9 However , the wide fluctuations in the performance of individual local education authorities can not be fully explained by variations in social and economic circumstances or by variations in spending on education , and show that there is plenty of scope to improve standards .
10 What worried him most , apart from the meretricious glitter of the whole charade , was the erosion of the proper role of Cabinet Ministers , both in relation to their own departments and in their right to be fully consulted on matters of collective responsibility ; the Prime Minister 's indifference to the processes and opinions of the House of Commons , provided a majority would sustain him in office ; and the disarray and poor morale which coalition under a dynamic chief of another party was creating in the headquarters and local organizations of the Conservative Party .
11 Louis 's and Charles 's careers were intertwined , therefore ; and neither can be fully understood in isolation , still less within the frame of a national history .
12 If we return to the example , we can see that clause ( 2 ) , having failed to disprove the charges , can not be fully understood in version ( a ) until clause ( 3 ) has also been heard .
13 We are keen that the benefits to the ultimate consumer of our systems of supervision and actuarial control be fully understood by EC legislators .
14 The movies were something very new and they soon developed a unique and distinctive position within the culture but that position can only be fully understood by reference to that context of nineteenth-century popular culture from which they emerged .
15 At some exceptional sites it has been necessary to reconstruct part of the site and the finds for display in order that they should be fully understood by visitors .
16 According to Akashi , the 22,000-strong UNTAC team would be fully deployed by May 20 .
17 A further aspect of the new system , which has yet to be fully exploited by centres , is that the Higher National Units which make up the new courses can be taken individually by candidates , rather than in complete courses .
18 Prince M.C. Subhadradis Diskul , Director of the seameo Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts , Bangkok , said Thailand is willing to return stolen property only when it can be fully documented with photographs which is rarely possible after the damages inflicted by the Khmer Rouge .
19 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Novell Inc duly announced the signing of a Master Business Agreement , which covers full support of NetWare within the Olivetti Open System Architecture and joint marketing activities between the two : Olivetti is taking NetWare for Unix and will do a version for System V.4 on Intel Corp iAPX-86 and on its MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based machines ; it will also take Novell 's System Fault Tolerant III technology for some servers , including multiprocessor machines , and they will be fully integrated with Novell 's NetWare Management System .
20 This corporate information will be available via Maid ( Market Analysis and Information Database ) Systems , and will be fully integrated with Maid 's existing services Researchline and Newsline , which provide access to research reports and business news from over 4,000 newspapers and journals from 40 countries .
21 Officials are now waiting for details so that the latest offer can be fully debated by members .
22 There there was a very substantial increase in ninet ninety ninety-one , and I 'm happy to say that , all but two of those projects have been fully funded by sponsors , and in fact , our policy now , and this is operated from the the first of April this year , is that all projects shall be fully funded by sponsors , and that includes a contribution to the overheads that erm , the projects incur .
23 Accordingly , if the government varies its debt policy to increase the tax burden on future generations , this will not necessarily be fully offset by changes in bequests .
24 As explained above fifteen new ‘ open farm ’ prisons have been constructed and more of these are essential if the Sandinista prison guide-lines are to be fully put into action .
25 Both theologians find man 's highest development to be his participation in the living energy of the love of a transcendent God who , both would agree , can not be fully known in time .
26 The potential role of the mass media must be fully taken into account when planning new educational approaches .
27 The BBC spokeswoman responded : ‘ We 're very aware of the sensitivity of the issue , and the moral and legal implications will be fully taken into account when we consider any development of the project . ’
28 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
29 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
30 But there is a real danger that lucky resorts will be fully booked within hours of a good dump .
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