Example sentences of "be carried [adv prt] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This has to be carried out in conjunction with the Community Physician of the Health Authority .
2 This part of the process should be carried out in conjunction with the external assessment described in paragraph 1.2. ( 1 ) Assess your strongest and weakest areas of legal and market expertise .
3 In practice some of the steps will be carried out in parallel and the process may be iterative , with new information necessitating the review of previous analysis and decisions .
4 Julie had bathed on the previous evening and in view of this and her discomfort it was agreed that shaving and skin preparation would be carried out in theatre .
5 The presence of as much as 90 per cent of water , because the fermentation must be carried out in water , is no real hindrance .
6 These interventions should be written on the nursing plan along with the date on which evaluation will be carried out in order to decide whether or not the stated goals have been , or are being , achieved .
7 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
8 Further work needs to be carried out in order to improve the present level of constitutional , decentralized and resource concepts of accountability .
9 The scientific committee had itself recommended an option calling for as much logging as could be carried out in compliance with US environmental laws , far more than in the option chosen by the President .
10 If an individual 's conduct is thought to justify it , dismissal could be without notice , but generally it should be carried out in accordance with the notice set out in a member of staff 's contract of employment .
11 Implementation of such agreements will be carried out in accordance either with the procedure and practices specific to management and labour and in the member state .
12 Such training will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the Council 's Staff Training Scheme .
13 b ) any sums required to enable valuations to be carried out in accordance with the Act ;
14 The term has , however , wide application and because of the difficulties in isolating investment business as defined by the FSA , our policy is that all corporate finance work must be carried out in accordance with the ICAEW 's Recognised Professional Body ( ‘ RPB ’ ) rules for investment business .
15 Our work should be carried out in accordance with the general technical standards set out in the Corporate Finance Manual and summarized in Chapter 02 of this guide .
16 This work should be carried out in phase with the building work for the Herbarium/Library extension , at which time thin Ethernet drop-downs should be installed in all new offices and existing offices where needed , together with the additional repeaters to run the system .
17 The study will be carried out in south-east London , and will focus on both micro and macro processes .
18 His research will be carried out in collaboration with industry in Europe and the US .
19 The work is to be carried out in collaboration with major UK industries and is funded under the SERC/DTI LINK scheme ; as such close contact with the technological applications of the devices by liaison with industry is anticipated .
20 The study is to be carried out in collaboration with Drs Usha Dhanesha and David Miles of Airedale General Hospital , and Professor John Weatherill of Bradford Royal Infirmary .
21 The research will be carried out in collaboration with Professor Marc Bornstein , National Institute of Child Health and Human Development , Washington , DC .
22 In addition an analysis of work history data collected from 1,000 informants in six localities , provided by the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative is to be carried out in collaboration with Duncan Gallie .
23 Wirtz and Lapointe , on the other hand , concentrate on research problems in relation to policy development , recommending that specific studies be carried out in association with the general testing programme ( a recommendation also made by Gipps ( 1982 ) in relation to the APU ) .
24 Rangers ' pitch will now be lifted at the earliest opportunity and a new one laid in its place , so long as the work can be carried out in time for the new season .
25 The boom in study days and conferences and in nursing literature is evidence of consumer demand for enjoyable ways of adding to professional knowledge , and there is now no need whatever to view continuing education as a chore and a duty to be carried out in isolation from colleagues and friends .
26 At the same time , in contrast to earlier eras , the housework is more likely to be carried out in isolation , without reference to others or without any external standard of comparison from which she might derive status or recognition for her particular skills as a cook or a housewife .
27 The two functions of initial and in-service education are clearly interrelated and can not be carried out in isolation from each other .
28 Homework is done by women whose role as unpaid caretakers of a nation 's dependents forces them out of the competition of the job market , and , still needing to earn , into work which is desperately tedious , which has to be carried out in isolation , thus losing for them the only element which makes tedious work bearable — the cameradie of the factory floor .
29 Future developments could include scanning and storing Herbarium sheet images on optical disk , but this is a much larger project , and would have to be carried out in co-operation with other institutions , perhaps with European Community funding , as this would be at the forefront of information technology .
30 Telephone messages that have to be carried out in code .
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