Example sentences of "be paid to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to careful selection of the individual expert , attention must be paid to the type of expert who is instructed .
2 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
3 That is a capital sum which is deemed to be paid to the settlor because it is paid to a third party at the settlor 's direction .
4 The settlor assigns to Mr X ( as against the trustees ) the right to receive £40,000 with the trustees paying that sum to Mr X. That sum is deemed to be paid to the settlor by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it .
5 Attention will be paid to the treatment of breakdowns , the role of technical skills in the choice and use of machinery and the nature of training .
6 Special attention needs to be paid to the portrayal of women in advertising .
7 The balance would be paid to the artist .
8 The ideal situation for the artist is that all money should be paid to the artist .
9 Throughout the second stage , attention should be paid to the reference as well as lending stock .
10 If more than lip service is to be paid to the notion that we are all equal , then it must be first acknowledged that we are born unequal , and that some of us have to work harder than others to make up for it .
11 In the discursive space in which reading takes place , readers can decide what kind of attention will be paid to the text , and what kind of audience to be .
12 One of the main assumptions underlying this book is that a sound understanding of public law generally and of legal control of government in particular , requires attention to be paid to the interaction between the different branches of government .
13 Usually two bishops were appointed as papal collectors , and in 1313–14 London and Lincoln paid the proceeds of the last triennial tenth directly into the exchequer and wardrobe or to royal officers and creditors ; arrears were to be paid to the exchequer .
14 Particular attention should be paid to the water , as it requires a good acid condition .
15 These shares will change with a writer 's success , as an ever larger percentage will be paid to the composer , subject to negotiation .
16 Particular attention will be paid to the applicability of the newly-emerging connectionist models to comprehension , especially to modelling patterns of inference made during understanding .
17 The fact that the law is statute based means that attention must be paid to the wording of the relevant sections in answering questions .
18 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
19 Some even went so far as to stipulate the use of linen in their will : Hannah Deane of High Ongar , Essex , took account of the £5 fine when drawing up her instructions in 1784 : ‘ And I do hereby Order and direct that sum of Ten pound shall be paid to the person who shall … see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen and shall give Information and make Oath thereof wheereby the Poor of the parish Will be intitled to the sum of fifty shilling … . ’
20 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
21 I hope that in the short term more attention will be paid to the availability of the independent arbitration scheme , which was set up in 1985 and which has not often been used , primarily because so few people are aware that it provides a means of getting an independent investigation of alleged grievances against British Rail and of obtaining redress and compensation where they are due .
22 In addition to this lump sum the annual half a million pound allowance will be paid to the Duchess by the Queen partly to ensure that she is never tempted to publish memoirs or talk about her failed marriage .
23 If a claim is initially received under item 5 and weekly benefits have been paid for some time and the initial medical prognosis was poor , close attention should be paid to the possibility of a capital benefits claim being made .
24 Since the pomeshchiks depended on the same source — peasant produce — for their income , there was always a conflict of interest over the portion to be paid to the State .
25 The third inroad or principle is that if income arises to the trustees and is required to be paid to the life tenant then the life tenant is taxable upon it whether or not he receives it ; his entitlement to the monies is enough .
26 ‘ It was quite frightening to see the extent of the flooding , and a tribute must be paid to the emergency services for the part they played in rescuing quite a number of people , ’ said a Dyfed County Council spokesman .
27 The success fee should be paid to the firm of the Network member who submitted the successful suggestion , by remittance at closing of the sale transaction or upon receipt of the final fee payment by the initiating member .
28 Attention must also be paid to the landscape setting of follies .
29 In some areas , where the potential for agricultural development is limited , greater attention will have to be paid to the generation of alternative forms of production and employment appropriate to the available resources .
30 Commission will be paid to the Society on six or more adult Medau members booking a holiday .
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