Example sentences of "be required [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you fail to complete assignments on time , you may lose marks , credits , or be required to repeat some courses .
2 The vendor will be required to disclose such contracts against the warranty that no consents to transfer are required ( see warranty F1 in the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
3 All men on site will be required to wear hard hats and safety boots at all times within the designated areas .
4 In some sales , potential purchasers may not be required to issue formal offers but the process will move directly to the negotiating stage ( section 0506 below ) and price and terms will be discussed with MAS at a meeting , in the presence of the client .
5 Buying goods from a reputable source is not enough as the supplier will be required to entertain elementary precautions , for example , sampling or checking the weight of the goods supplied ( s28(1) of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ) and ensuring that the system can cope with mistakes .
6 The agency calls for radar to be installed to cover the whole Scottish coast , and says tanker masters should be required to report significant failures to the Coastguard immediately they happen .
7 Under Section 3 of the 1921 Act ( amended by the 1983 Act ) , the C. and A.G. can also be required to audit certain accounts by direction from the Treasury ; but these are relatively few and any direction must be approved by the House of Commons .
8 Since ‘ real world ’ applications require the lexicon to contain entries for tens of thousands of words it is also necessary to consider how large the available lexicon is , the format of the entries and how much effort would be required to create new entries .
9 He also received a three-year period of probation — during which he would be required to perform 1,800 hours of community service per year — on a more general conspiracy charge .
10 If it were , it would not be an association of equal citizens but of members with differing status ; subjects would not be free to pursue their own purposes but would be required to perform particular roles ; government would be a matter of management rather than rule ; and government would also be provisional rather than unconditional and non-retractable .
11 Whatever the reason for the review , the purchasing function will be required to examine alternative sources of supply , or alternative products capable of meeting an existing or predictable need .
12 Companies taking part will be required to set environmental policies , goals and management systems , carry out systematic environmental assessments every three years , and have their performance verified by an EC-approved auditor .
13 In exceptional circumstances , students with German or Spanish at ‘ O ’/GCSE; level may be accepted , but these students will be required to undertake additional classes in German or Spanish in their first year of study .
14 Local authorities will be required to hold public registers of information .
15 Some 3,000 to 5,000 inspectors will be required to produce those reports .
16 They estimated the sort of pressures that would be required to achieve such conditions by compression and the answer astonished them .
17 Considerable ingenuity may be required to discover non-racial criteria for racial discrimination and non-racial reasons for criticizing other races .
18 Flat rate farmers will not be required to keep detailed records , but Customs would expect paperwork to be available if a check of transactions became necessary .
19 As we describe in a paper soon to be published by the Brookings Institution in Washington , DC , they should be required to make non-interest-bearing deposits with their central bank .
20 The producers of public expenditure have helped increase public spending since the competition for votes has led politicians to promise more and more spending ; moreover , since governments come into office with a vast amount of spending commitments inherited from previous governments , their ability to reduce these commitments substantially is limited through the length of time that would be required to make such reductions , and further , they are unlikely to court unpopularity through doing so .
21 Accordingly , the tenant should be required to supply regular certificates of his turnover , and there might also be a provision for the payment of interest on rent in case of delay in supplying them .
22 Provided that when goods are consigned ‘ carriage forward ’ the Trader shall not be required to pay such charges unless the consignee fails to pay after a reasonable demand has been made by the carrier for payment thereof .
23 In addition to the fees set out above , you may be required to pay annual contributions towards the cost of your work .
24 Children over the age of 16 and other members of the family provided with a service may be required to pay any charges themselves .
25 You will also be required to pay ten pounds costs .
26 He sent news home to Spain , demanding reinforcements of 1,000 men — the number the cacique had warned him would be required to defeat such forces of hostile Indians along the way .
27 The officer(s) who actually cautioned her may be required to prove such caution(s) to the court .
28 Additional information may be required to provide such solutions , and data structures for the effective storage and retrieval of this information are investigated .
29 To avoid penalties , firms doing business within the US may be required to provide pre-prepared documents supporting inter-company , or so-called ‘ transfer pricing ’ policies .
30 In relation to resources , efforts will be required to amend existing texts and to supply a range of materials appropriate to Resource-based Learning .
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