Example sentences of "be said that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This argument could be regarded as a rebuttable presumption , but then the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down ; it could not be said that legal rules were always to be determined by the ordinary courts .
2 In the case of some evangelical writers ( though not Barth ) it may also be said that male dominance is fundamental to creation and found in all known human societies .
3 It has to be said that many parents themselves share this view .
4 Of course it must be said that many people ca n't wait to leave their schooldays behind and so not all losses are to be regretted .
5 It must be said that continental discussions of some of these ideas read rather strangely , at least to the authors of this book .
6 Indeed it might be said that one year on this course is worth four or five years of experience in the field .
7 The first point definitely implies the second , but it must be said that other mechanisms exist in the equations for introducing folds into the return maps , so that a similar transition is observed even for b-values which do not mean that increasing r involves passing through the spiral of Fig. 6.2 .
8 As emperor , Augustus gave financial compensation and some booty back , though it must be said that such acts of generosity were inspired less by guilt than by political revenge against cities that had supported his rival , Mark Antony : the returned booty was Antony 's plunder .
9 ( It should be said that such views often gained the support of feminists , particularly outraged by the forcible use of the speculum under the Contagious Diseases Acts . )
10 Lord Parker 's response to that suggestion was that no offence had been committed in any event because , even if it could be said that such conduct was insulting ( which he doubted ) most men approached in such a way are not likely to resort to violence .
11 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
12 Though we must be careful not to attempt to deny the responsibility which ultimately lies with ourselves , it has to be said that certain employers have done much to encourage these sorts of trends .
13 Never let it be said that Practical PC ignores the viewpoint of the end user !
14 With these qualifications in mind , it can be said that regional policies have moderated the relative but not the absolute differences in the unemployment rates of development and non-development areas , as Table 4.5 suggests .
15 That 's how I see things evolving , er but it must be said that Russian statesmen have got to have this self restraint not to abuse those nuclear weapons just as the United States has had to .
16 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
17 The second is any child under the age of about five , who is unlikely to be able to concentrate for the necessary time — although it must be said that older children probably make the best subjects of all , as they are still at the stage where their imagination is in good working order and they have not become weighed down by the need to earn a living or the problems of bringing up a family .
18 However , it should be said that past costs can be useful in predicting future costs .
19 In trying to summarise these findings , it may be said that linguistic knowledge does appear to be the important variable .
20 Concluding this section , it can be said that manual workers not only suffer more from the costs and deprivations of the workplace than non-manual workers but they also receive lower compensation and rewards in terms of pay , fringe benefits and , in some instances , even of social security benefits .
21 However , it has to be said that local authorities on the whole frown on totting and many ban it outright so caution is advised .
22 But it must be said that multi-user computers can be slow at times if a large number of people are all trying to use the computer at once .
23 However , it must be said that true danseurs nobles and classiques are rare .
24 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
25 In summary , whether or not Fama and Jensen 's reasoning is right , it can not be said that more minuses in table 3.1 mean worse performance .
26 In terms of the aims set out in 1955 , it can be said that green belt policies have been fairly successful .
27 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
28 It has to be said that some species are notoriously difficult to acclimatise to aquarium life when collected from the wild , but once the acclimatisation process is complete they will usually become resilient and even robust .
29 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
30 It may be said that these facts are materially different from those in our problem , for in our problem there seems to be no choice as to who is to die : it is simply ( one supposes ) a question of some or all .
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