Example sentences of "be said [to-vb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Bargaining might be said to help fill the vacuum that in other systems is occupied by disciplined political parties .
2 In which case they could not be said to have decided the issue for themselves , let alone for others .
3 In short , the Declaration of Rights can be said to have confirmed the legal sovereignty of Parliament .
4 For the West , the imaginary war could be said to have defined the era of Fordist capitalism .
5 Moreover , elements of the personality cult had attained far wider resonance and , as we have seen in earlier chapters , can be said to have affected the vast majority of the population , leaving completely untouched only sections still wholly anchored ideologically in left-wing philosophies of life , those totally alienated by the attacks on the Churches , and a few exceptional individuals among intellectuals and members of the upper bourgeoisie who despised the irrationality of the Führer cult , were entirely nauseated by the populist vulgarity of Nazism , and could see national disaster looming .
6 Can any conductor , though , be said to have made the same impact on recent musical history as that made by Bach or Beethoven or Wagner in the past ?
7 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
8 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
9 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
10 Further legislation followed , which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust .
11 In the process Fanon might be said to have overestimated the extent to which , from subordination , it is possible to construct ‘ a politically conscious , unified , revolutionary Self , standing in unmitigated opposition to the oppressor ’ ( Problems , 30 ) .
12 What emerges from the space of humanism contradicts what once defined that space ; in this sense Fanon can be said to have followed the path of the perverse : a negation of the dominant is made from a trajectory that emerged from it — a deviation from , which is also , simultaneously , a contradiction of .
13 The office-holders and agencies which ran the new units — the elder , the clerk , the executive board , the assembly , the court — were elected by the peasants whom they served , but it is only with considerable reservation that volosti can be said to have increased the representative character of the imperial polity .
14 The exhibition may be said to have motivated the adoption of Chinese art studies in western universities .
15 Lyotard 's definition of postmodernism as the subversion of metanarratives , then the nouveau roman can be said to have rejected the totalizing metanarrative of existentialism , even if only to have replaced it with a literary-historical metanarrative of its own .
16 His claim to have loved Clare Mallender and to have had her stolen from him somehow lacked conviction and , anyway , his conquest of Virginia Dysart could be said to have evened the score .
17 It will be the teacher 's judgement , made over time and through observing performance in different tasks , whether pupils can be said to have attained the abilities identified in a Statement of Attainment .
18 Taken that way , the book can be said to have shown the problems of hypothesizing about origins ; and also the problems associated with supposing that animals , men or plants were suddenly created , fully-grown so that they could manage on their own .
19 It has already been pointed out that there was no authority on the precise issue raised by Morgan , so that in that sense the House of Lords could not be said to have changed the law .
20 The graphemes themselves are individual letters or small groups of letters such as " b " , " ou " , and " ght " , and when we can identify these graphemes and then pronounce them together as the sound represented by /bo:t/ ( which rhymes with " port " ) , we can be said to have used the GPC rules .
21 The House of Lords said that punctual payment required payment on the Friday , if the banks were closed on the Saturday and Sunday , and that the owners could not be said to have waived the breach simply because their bank had accepted the payment order .
22 RUDOLF Diesel 's patent may be 100 years old , but if one company could be said to have re-invented the concept in recent years for the small hatchback it must be Volkswagen .
23 It follows then that when the student can correctly apply the rule in a variety of situations , she can be said to have learned the rule .
24 In the 1970s neither Nixon nor Ford nor Carter could be said to have passed the ‘ classic test ’ .
25 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
26 As the Group 's terms of reference , scope , functions and core membership were closely based on the CGLI 's proposals , then clearly the Institute might be said to have won the day .
27 As the previous chapter shows , the development officers were rarely involved at all with those clients if they were in the action samples ; since in no real sense could they be said to have had the opportunity of availing themselves of the action project , they are omitted ( in both action and control samples ) from most of the following analysis .
28 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
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