Example sentences of "be found [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 This again differs widely depending on the degree of the handicap , and autistics may be found at the farthest extremes of social and academic capability .
2 For the most extreme form of quoted speech without source markers can be found on the earliest pages of certain infant reading schemes which are based on severely restricted vocabulary and a word recognition model .
3 The handful of extracts , words of kitchen advice , recipes , menus , and descriptive passages I have chosen to quote are none of them to be found in The Best of Boulestin , the American-selected anthology published in England by Heinemann in 1952 and still available at 21s .
4 The recipe which , under the name of langue savoyarde again appears in several of his books , is to be found in The Best of Boulestin .
5 All these elements can be found in the best of medical education , most notably in McMaster University in Canada , where students pose their own problems and use the resources of the university to solve them .
6 Of a wisdom which can be found in the smallest gleam , as well as in the fiercest blaze of light .
7 They are also an ancient group , since obvious arthropods , of primitive kinds , can be found in the earliest of Cambrian rocks .
8 Christians were distressed because the age of revelation was over ( and they were acutely conscious of this with the passing of the apostolic generation , as is made clear not only by the speedy recognition in the second century that their writings were determinative for the Christian faith , but also by the deep sense of nostalgia to be found in the earliest of the sub-apostolic writers like Polycarp and Ignatius ) .
9 Even in the few years since Volumes I and II of the Supplement were published , numerous words and meanings in the range A-N have emerged which are therefore not to be found in the largest Oxford Dictionary .
10 Nevertheless , it may well be that the best symbolic account of the more specifically manic response to the loss of the all-providing pre-agricultural mother is to be found in the oldest epic poem known to us — the ancient Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh .
11 ‘ Barrack-room lawyers ’ are to be found among the youngest members of the population .
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