Example sentences of "be able [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Back-bench MPs may be able to promote new policies through ‘ private members ’ Bills ' : These can not have direct financial implications for the government , and they have little chance of becoming law without government support .
2 Whilst it was intended that children with minor handicaps would be able to attend mainstream schools , the act required that the blind , deaf , epileptic , physically handicapped and aphasic children must be educated in special schools .
3 However , small libraries , ( or those who did n't send staff on many external courses ) , often looked first to the opportunity to be able to attend external courses rather than develop internal programmes .
4 The CEO , or representative , has a duty to offer advice and will be able to attend relevant meetings of the selection panel .
5 This assumes an element of sunkness about location ( which Mathewson and Winter did not ) , so that potential entrants believe they are unlikely to be able to push established firms out of current locations .
6 Those losing jobs from companies relocating to the inner cities would probably be able to acquire new jobs much more easily than those trapped within the cities .
7 The Government will be able to control international shipments of waste .
8 Though all members of a cycle group do not need to be competent in all five of the recognised face skills , the team as a whole must be able to deploy sufficient resources on each shift to man the roles likely to arise .
9 In addition , you must be able to choose small flowers and small parts of flowers that can be used to good effect .
10 For accounting periods beginning on or after 2 October 1992 , insurance companies will be able to claim provisional repayments of tax credits attached to , or income tax deducted from , investment income linked to pension business .
11 Although this has been relatively under explored by economists ( Labelle , 1987 ) , presumably those providers concentrating on certain clinical services may be able to agree large contracts at a lower implied unit price .
12 End users and resellers alike will be able to order complete systems , parts and add-ons like memory boards , disk and tape drives , graphics adapters and software from the ‘ RISC System/6000 Direct Order Catalogue . ’
13 Users will be able to order additional services and report faults direct to British Telecom service centres , and its Syncordia Corp will also offer facilities management services .
14 Users will be able to order additional services and report faults direct to British Telecom service centres , and its Syncordia Corp will also offer facilities management services .
15 And yet we want to be able to exploit new opportunities and new technologies as they come along to get the best out of our systems for our businesses .
16 Would nt it be better for clubs in this sort of situation to be able to loan young players on an extended basis .
17 You will be able to do general chores easier .
18 They have all undergone training in communication skills and must be able to do general tours of the Museum , as well as theme and exhibition tours .
19 It seemed necessary to be able to do simple calculations .
20 One of the cooks might be able to do kosher meals , another halal food , depending on the client group .
21 Involvement — by working in the employer 's business the solicitor will identify with the employer 's interests and be able to manage legal issues effectively .
22 We want to affiliate her in horse classes — I know she wo n't be able to manage lengthened strides very easily because of her conformation , but we hope we 'll get up to Medium level . ’
23 Party cells in enterprises , the Army , the police and KGB ( State Security Committee ) should remain , since " the right of association is among the inalienable political freedoms " , but he stressed that the CPSU did not claim exclusivity in this respect and that other legally constituted parties would be able to form similar cells .
24 This is not surprising considering that most inflammatory mediators have been shown to be able to stimulate enteric nerves .
25 ‘ He 'll be able to take marvellous photos while he 's in India , wo n't he ? ’ her mother had gone on , and only at the tail-end of their conversation did she think to mention their mortgage .
26 Although I would love to be able to take regular trips to the countryside , I am often unable to indulge myself in this luxury and so instead I choose to walk and cycle through Richmond Park in London .
27 Equity providers will back management teams because of the strength of character and entrepreneurial skills of their members , who , as a general rule , will : ( a ) have a high degree of commitment to the new business ; ( b ) have strong entrepreneurial instincts ; ( c ) have confidence in their ability to take control of the business and run it without the assistance of inter-group services ; ( d ) be able to take personal risks without adverse effect on their decision making ; ( e ) have the strength of character to cope with the frustrations and successes of the negotiation process ; ( f ) be few in number and therefore able to make decisions quickly ; ( g ) have strong family support .
28 We hope we will be able to take new proposals to Potter Street on the second of November if nothing else , we will certainly take them an honest indication of where we 've got to so far and what proposals will be taking place , and what we will be proposing erm for the future .
29 If we pursue that path , we must realise that we will be transferring basic fundamental power over our economy to a supranational body of unelected , well-heeled bankers who will be able to take economic decisions that affect the livelihoods of millions of people .
30 It is on the other hand , in my judgment , necessary in our democratic society for a local government authority to be able to take appropriate proceedings for the protection of its property and reputation .
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