Example sentences of "be [verb] on grounds of " in BNC.

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1 Clause 21 gives strengthened dismissal rights to pregnant women by substituting a new s 60 in the EP(C)A 1978 under which , regardless of their length of service , all women employees have a right not to be dismissed on grounds of pregnancy or childbirth .
2 As a result , the government added an amendment to the Sex Discrimination Bill ( 1986 ) to make it unlawful for a woman to be dismissed on grounds of age when a man would not be .
3 10.8 If an employee who has been declared permanently unfit refuses reasonable offers of suitable alternative employment , they will be dismissed on grounds of permanent disablement .
4 Secondly , there needs to be a reasonably close relationship between taxation and accountability : if some voters can gain markedly greater benefits than others without making any substantial financial contribution , then the electoral system is likely to encourage higher levels of spending than would be justified on grounds of efficiency .
5 Accordingly your refusal to concur in Robertson 's telegram is approved and you are requested to inform SAC that we are strongly of the opinion that such contemplated violation of agreed Anglo-American policy can not be justified on grounds of administrative expediency . "
6 The 1971 Act has also added new conditions which further weaken black workers — people can now be deported on grounds of ‘ general undesirability ’ , and ‘ illegal immigrants ’ can be removed without a hearing .
7 Taking account of the view of drunk driving , the plaintiff should be precluded on grounds of public policy from recovering compensation .
8 Calculation of the net sums required by the rules can not , therefore , be challenged on grounds of the public policy enunciated in British Eagle International Airlines Ltd v Compagnie Nationale Air France.13 Further , by s 164 of the same Act , the power of a clearing member 's liquidator to disclaim onerous contracts is not available in respect of contracts registered with LCH ; and by s 165 the provisions of insolvency law concerning transactions at an undervalue , preferences and transactions to defraud creditors are not available in respect of such contracts or dispositions made pursuant to them .
9 This is a sort of default mechanism which tells the reader that the participant last mentioned or , alternatively , the one in focus or the one that can be inferred on grounds of logic or context , is the subject of the following clause(s) unless otherwise indicated ( see discussion of theme and Chinese-style topic in Chapter 5 , section ) .
10 Application for dismissal for want of prosecution may be brought on grounds of default in complying with an order , or for inordinate delay prejudicing the opposing party in having a fair trial .
11 In 1836 one pamphleteer urged the creation of a " Diplomatic College " for this purpose ( though significantly he assumed that it would produce only attachés , secretaries and consuls and that ambassadors and ministers would always be appointed on grounds of " rank and property " ) .
12 They consider the site forms a welcome natural break between the conservation area and the non-conservation area and further development there should be resisted on grounds of visual amenity .
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