Example sentences of "be [verb] to the appropriate " in BNC.

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1 Annex 1 environmental impact assessments must be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency , such as the National Rivers Authority should it deal with water quality or , especially in this case , the local environmental health office of the city council in respect of water use .
2 The other type of assessment may comply with schedule 2 to the original environmental impact assessment directive from the European Community and it does not have to be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency .
3 Does any member wish to move the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body ?
4 Does any member who wish to move the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body ?
5 If the person is a juvenile or is mentally disordered or mentally handicapped the notice shall be given to the appropriate adult .
6 In such cases , careful consideration should be given to the appropriate internal review .
7 In such cases , careful consideration should be given to the appropriate internal review .
8 In such cases , careful consideration should be given to the appropriate internal review .
9 Some attention needs to be given to the appropriate manning of the Reception area out of office hours , in view of the numbers of visiting groups using the lecture theatre and other facilities , and the problems with security which this imposes .
10 The resultant value is then manipulated in the appropriate way : for example , AH causes the 32-bit value to be added to the appropriate 32-bit accumulator .
11 The addressing mode fields ( one per operand ) each specify an accumulator ( or none ) whose contents are to be added to the appropriate operand ( or " displacement " ) field to generate an effective address .
12 Queries about procedures should be addressed to the appropriate Faculty Administrative Officer .
13 Enquiries should be addressed to the appropriate department or to the Postgraduate Secretary of the Faculty concerned .
14 The form should be addressed to the appropriate District Land Registry and should contain the title number and a full description of the property by reference to the necessary elements of its address .
15 Application should normally be made to the appropriate education authority for grant aid before 1 June of the year in which the student wishes to enter a course , even though at that time the student may not have been offered a place .
16 In cases of difficulty in deciding , reference should be made to the appropriate expert or Head Office .
17 Certain contents are excluded and reference should be made to the appropriate policy .
18 The fee will be £6 and the application should be made to the appropriate District Land Registry for the area in which the property is situated .
19 Once a bankruptcy order is made , it is likely that the proceedings commenced by a Government department in the High Court under r 6.9(1) ( o ) will be transferred to the appropriate county court if the debtor does not reside or carry on business within the London insolvency district .
20 to arrange for that information to be channelled to the appropriate targets .
21 Market surveys which contain respondents ' addresses and postcodes can be related to the appropriate ACORN categories .
22 All elements of the course could be integrated through practical work which , far from remaining an inchoate classroom exercise , could go through all publishing stages , including production , to be sold to the appropriate market like any other commercial publication .
23 All personal effects should be handed to the appropriate authority , which may be a local authority official or the deceased 's solicitor or executor , who may also be a relative .
24 Loss of property should be notified to the appropriate Year Teacher , the Depute Headmaster or the Head of the Junior School .
25 Assorted plastic bottles can be cut to the appropriate size .
26 In the case of mouth , if one knew what an animal 's mouth was , and one were to hear , for the first time , a reference to the mouth of a river , I surmise that there would be little difficulty in construing the meaning ; but suppose one were familiar only with mouth used to refer to the mouth of a river , and one heard a reference to the horse 's mouth , it is by no means certain that one 's attention would be directed to the appropriate end of the horse !
27 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
28 A copy of the constitution will be forwarded to the appropriate authority .
29 A copy of the constitution will be forwarded to the appropriate authority .
30 Application forms for these courses are available from and should be returned to the appropriate college .
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