Example sentences of "be [verb] to [pron] mother " in BNC.

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1 Try and do the sums as it were and think it through , and if you do that , I think you 'll see that er , it does work out this way And of course , it gets er , even worse if you consider questions like relatedness through parents , because clearly I may be related to my mother 's sister 's children , my cousins , er no it 's actually nieces , because my mother and her sister share genes , but I 'm not er necessarily related erm in the same way , erm , through er , my father 's er relatives , for example , because although erm , because my er , my , my relationship between mother 's kin and my father 's kin is purely through marriage , so they have no joint genetic relatedness .
2 Eleanor could be presented to his mother , even if Karen and Caroline and all the others could n't .
3 He could be apprenticed to his mother 's brother , surely .
4 And do n't you think it was flattering , in a way , to be preferred to my mother ?
5 Yes , you can tell them I 'll be speaking to my mother as soon as she gets back , tonight .
6 The £60,000 was finally invested in September 1992 and the income will now be sent to my mother as it arises .
7 COUNCILLORS are likely to consider whether the 11-year old girl at the centre of a Home Alone storm should be returned to her mother when she returns from her Spanish holiday , it emerged yesterday .
8 The panel decided that the W children should be returned to their mother .
9 When Rose recovered , Steve would be returned to his mother 's care , and the matron , for one , would not mind .
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