Example sentences of "be [verb] in [art] light " in BNC.

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1 The examples given suggest a flexible scheme whereby criterion statements might be amended in the light of pupils ' difficulties and the identified difficulty factors might provide foci for teaching .
2 Specific forms for community care referrals , assessment and care planning are now out in draft and will be amended in the light of comments and ‘ trial runs ’ .
3 Our response to the Commission 's paper will be formulated in the light of that detailed consultation .
4 Within this chapter our concern is with those , both Marxist and non-Marxist , who have taken as given the particular direction in which technology has developed , and with those who , while accepting that it is possible and desirable to exercise some social control over technology , have taken the view that there is no fundamental conflict at the work-place and that the system of organisation there can be optimised in the light of a set of objectives to which they assume all would be able to agree .
5 The effect of such changes is to concentrate the emission from such industries , per unit area , and as Dr. B. Leadbeater , a leading chemist in the field of odour pollution explained the effect of the amount of emission can be examined in the light of atmospheric dispersion theory in which the downwind concentration is a direct function of the emission rate .
6 The outcome of the projects was to be examined in the light of potential impacts on urban development , transport road safety and the environment .
7 The ‘ fatal ’ choices offered to parents and teachers at every stage of the child 's schooling can thus be examined in the light of development , not as part of a race against failure .
8 The emotional and political stability afforded to Nizan by his entry to the PCF in 1927 needs to be examined in the light of other factors influencing his personal development at this time .
9 These will be examined in the light of general anthropological theory and particular ethnographic studies of Andalusian culture and society .
10 Eurotunnel co-chairman Alastair Morton admitted that the company was in technical breach of its main credit agreement but argued that the cost overruns could be justified in the light of improving traffic and revenue forecasts .
11 A fortiori , the requirement for all owners to reside and be domiciled in the United Kingdom can not be justified in the light of the aims of the quota system .
12 No analyst would make such a claim today , and the ‘ nationalization ’ thesis has had to be revised in the light of increased local variations in voting behaviour .
13 The Directive had to be revised in the light of major reservations commentators expressed during a previous consultation period early in 1991 .
14 This conclusion has important implications for the management of affected subjects , and guidelines on treatment need to be revised in the light of these recent findings .
15 The opportunity should be taken to also look at each Branch constitution to see if any need to be revised in the light of the new legislation .
16 The exploratory model earlier put forward to help clarify the workings of the enterprise will be revised in the light of recent developments , comments from other scholars , and subsequent research done by the principal investigators .
17 In this view , teaching materials are to be seen as hypothetical constructs , models or exemplars of abstract principles from which actual instances of pedagogic activities might be developed in the light of particular classroom conditions .
18 Certainly , the notion that limited liability is of itself a denial of the very skills and integrity being held out by a professional to the rest of the world may be outdated in the light of the size and type of projects now being undertaken as part of surveying practice .
19 Some further factors which must be considered in the light of the studies of inversion of Carboniferous section presented here are the consequences of :
20 Our behaviour therefore may seem inconsistent and irrational , but should be considered in the light of our sharing with all living organisms a finite planet .
21 Much of the literature in this area has been of US origin , and the more general applicability of such managerial strategies to other countries needs , therefore , to be considered in the light of evidence from cross-national studies .
22 While certainly not denying the potential influence of certain characteristics of cities ( though they would dispute some , and point to others as being more effects than causes of urban decline ) , they argue that these factors have to be considered in the light of what is happening to industry itself .
23 Such decision-making at enterprise level could , of course , involve encouraging the development of ‘ workers ’ plans ' from the ‘ bottom upward ’ — only rational planning would require that the implementation of these be considered in the light of broad social objectives .
24 On the contrary , the propriety of requiring such an undertaking from the Crown should be considered in the light of the particular circumstances of the case .
25 ( 2 ) That the court 's discretionary jurisdiction to stay criminal proceedings should be exercised very sparingly and only in exceptional circumstances ; that , while the longer the delay was the greater was the likelihood that the prosecution was at fault and that the defendant had suffered prejudice and the less the prosecution could explain the delay the easier it would be to infer fault , the question whether the defendant had discharged the heavy burden of demonstrating that it would be an abuse of the process of the court for the proceedings to continue , was to be considered in the light of all the circumstances without applying shifting burdens of proof ; and that , accordingly , since the district judge had correctly taken into account all the relevant factors , and had made no error as to the burden of proof , there were no grounds on which the High Court judge could have reversed the district judge 's decision not to grant a perpetual stay of the 1989 prosecution ( post , pp. 261B , 264E–F , G–H , 265A–B ) .
26 It is plain , we think , that that case falls to be considered in the light of its own particular facts , and does not purport to give any general guidance as to the meaning of the words under consideration .
27 Policy implications for the reduction of inequalities in health will be considered in the light of these comparison .
28 The text of the warranties should be considered in the light of every case .
29 The tax aspects of a management buy-out must of course be considered in the light of company law , accounting and financing requirements , so there should be discussion amongst the various advisers acting for management , the banks and institutional investors .
30 Erm , first time , I think of some other things that would erm , would be considered in the light of influencing erm , got the power structure , it was important , approach and and you talk to your manager
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