Example sentences of "be [verb] by the united " in BNC.

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1 Whatever happens to IBM , the world and European computer markets seem likely still to be dominated by the United States and Japan .
2 No other business jet has so many differing roles : in addition to corporate use , it is used for military liaison and communication flights , casualty evacuation , photographic survey , aeronautical and meteorological research , navaid calibration , airline crew training , Electronic Counter Measure ( ECM mission , weapon system trainer ( Mirage 111E ) , mini freight carrier and in the near future the Garrett turbofan-engine 20G will be operated by the United States Coast Guard .
3 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
4 China is offering to sell Scud surface-to-surface missiles to Saudi Arabia so that they can be used by the United States in a programme to improve the Patriot missile defence system , according to a report in the Haaretz newspaper in Israel .
5 Adopted without a vote on Nov. 15 , Resolution 44/21 was the first General Assembly resolution of a political nature to be co-sponsored by the United States and the Soviet Union .
6 We propose that in future advice and assistance , and where necessary representation before the immigrant appellate authority , should instead be provided by the United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service . ’
7 Fifa banned Rojas from all football for life and announced a list of suspensions of Chilean officials , culminating in the ban from the next World Cup , which will be hosted by the United States .
8 The world recovery will be led by the United States , according to the IMF , where growth is expected to pick up to 3½ p.c. next year .
9 ‘ And am I right in thinking that you want to import into the United States of America a person or persons who might be interdicted by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service ? ’
10 However , any arrangements which acted to endorse the Soviet presence in distinct Third World regions were likely to be resisted by the United States .
11 Even if the concept of domicile in the context of the Act of 1988 were to be accorded by the United Kingdom courts a meaning similar to that prevailing in other member states , the applicants in the main proceedings would still contend that the domicile requirement was contrary to Community law .
12 That decision will be taken by the United Kingdom Parliament .
13 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what measures will be taken by the United Kingdom Passport Agency to raise its standards of service .
14 The launch sites would be constructed by the United Kingdom , and the missile systems would be fully manned by the RAF crews .
15 The reference to a Pacific pact was to developing contacts between Rhee , Chiang Kai-shek and President Quirino of the Philippines to encourage the formation of an anti-communist front to be guaranteed by the United States .
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