Example sentences of "be [verb] at [art] level " in BNC.

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1 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
2 Hence , a music that demands to be considered at the level of what the words mean , the coherence of the narrative , the intentions of the artist , biographical input .
3 This must be written at a level suited to the expected readership .
4 A careful scrutiny of existing policies and their implicit and explicit assumptions should do two things ; it should enable choices to be made at the level of general strategies , as to what is most conducive to equity or equality , it should also enable individual teachers in individual schools to compare their circumstances with those of others and learn which innovations seem to suit what circumstances and to take heart from the struggles and successes of their colleagues .
5 In either case , decisions about spending priorities — e.g. on staffing as against computers , or educational visits as against redecoration — and about the hiring and firing of teachers , will now be made at the level of the school itself , not by the LEA .
6 In this book we will be looking at the level at which facilities are provided in electronic hardware , as they might be seen by a system programmer about to implement the most basic software on the computer .
7 This conflict is clearly to be seen at the level of organized local politics ( chapter 1 ) , although the particular interests of the farming and landowning community add complexity to this .
8 The implicit recognition of this in their work is obscured by the distinction they make between ‘ direct experience ’ and more ‘ abstract ’ ‘ underlying ’ causes which can not be grasped at the level of immediate experience .
9 The community was something more than a collection of species working together for mutual advantage — it obeyed laws that could only be understood at a level transcending that of the individual organisms .
10 It became , eventually , the cult of the DO writ large , but with delaying actions at each step of the way by men who thought that power should be concentrated at the level in the system they themselves happened to occupy .
11 But bail should be set at a level which effectively deters flight .
12 A pollution tax could theoretically be set at a level that would exactly match the external costs involved .
13 Thus , the AMA argues , the Fifth Amendment ‘ requires that prices must be set at a level that permits any enterprise , including a physician 's medical practice , to operate successfully , to maintain its financial integrity , to attract capital , and to compensate investors for the risk assumed ’ .
14 Within the Crown and Key schemes high quality can be found at every level .
15 Students with special educational needs are to be found at every level of post-school education and training — in further education colleges , universities and polytechnics , and in adult education institutes and training schemes .
16 At every stage of the interchurch process we were hearing voices saying to us it is not sufficient that there should be fellowship , agreement , companionship , cooperation at the highest levels but it had to be found at every level , it had to be found at grass roots level .
17 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
18 By definition , many nine-year-olds in junior schools will be achieving at the level of many thirteen-year-olds in secondary schools .
19 By definition , many thirteen-year-olds in secondary schools will be achieving at the level of many sixteen-year-olds .
20 You can be involved at every level , from Board level to issues relating to health and safety for employees .
21 Resistance , grounded on a far deeper sense of the rights of conscience , the role of the laity and the fallibility of ecclesiastical authority than existed in pre-conciliar days , will not be overcome at the level of the clergy , the religious orders , the thinking laity or — above all — the theologians .
22 For the Committee 's guidance , the document attempted to define craft and technician education by suggesting that the dividing line between technician and craft courses should be fixed at a level below that of OND , so that National Certificate courses , for example , should become the responsibility of the new validating body .
23 The level of contribution was to be fixed at a level within the reach of every employed person , with benefits paid at a ‘ national minimum income for subsistence ’ , and the whole system co-ordinated by a new Ministry of Social Security .
24 In such cases it may need to be supported at the level of verbal consciousness , and , like grieving as the gateway to reattachment , should not be prematurely foreclosed .
25 Furthermore , if we take seriously Black 's claim that his specimen metaphor ‘ man is a wolf ’ serves at once to render man wolf-like and to humanize wolves , a reversible metaphor could be imagined at the level of a word , a sentence , or a discourse in which each term was engaged in a metaphoric interaction with one or a number of other terms , organizing them , structuring them and in turn being structured by them .
26 Elements from both can be combined at the level of common-sense argument .
27 Central to Danish concerns about Maastricht were ( i ) greater subsidiarity , whereby decisions were to be taken at the level " closest to the citizen " [ see also p. 39158 ] , and ( ii ) greater transparency or openness in the operation of EC institutions .
28 Thus , while trade unionists wished old people to be kept at a level of economic decency , they realized at the same time that pensions without a retirement condition would erode the wage structure and weaken trade union bargaining .
29 Shankweiler and Studdert-Kennedy therefore concluded that the language processing system may be engaged at the level of the sound structure of language and involves an analysis-by-feature mechanism .
30 The examination not only confirmed the findings of the comparison stage of the FAOR study , but also highlighted the difficulties and expense that would be involved if the proposals were to be implemented at the level suggested ; at the same time it helped to dispel certain misconceptions about the needs of the users overall .
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