Example sentences of "be [verb] at [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 All major companies have rules which permit investments below a certain scale to be undertaken at divisional level without head-office approval .
2 And some could be given at either level ?
3 No neat distinction between legal doctrine and political principle can be sustained at this level of adjudication .
4 In addition , increasing staffing levels is said to make it more likely that successful coalitions can be developed at local level to push for higher levels of spending , so that the process of expenditure growth becomes self-perpetuating ( for example , Tullock , 1977 , p. 285 ) .
5 Such issues can only be resolved at local level .
6 Moreover , the relationship between mosaics need not necessarily be " direct " : a group of mosaics can be included at this level when the style of its members is relatable only by comparison with that of a third pavement ( a " distributed relationship ) .
7 The removal of this insurance was , of course , a significant factor in terms of developments , as the consequences of poor management in the future would have to be addressed at local level .
8 It is aimed at the general reader who knows nothing whatever about AI or related fields , and can be recommended at that level .
9 Procedure Audit has been thoroughly tested across a wide range of situations by Mcloughlin and Brown , and can be applied at any level within an organisation .
10 They cover courses which the Government believe should be secured at national level because of their national significance .
11 Nonetheless certain advances can be made at the national level , and given that politics and governmental power are still largely national in scope certain advances must be made at that level if they are to be made at all .
12 Increasingly , decisions will have to be made at European level by properly accountable European institutions .
13 Drucker concluded about decision analysis that : ‘ A decision should always be made at lowest level and as close to the scene of action as possible …
14 These drafts provided for foreign and defence policy and for issue of police and judicial co-operation to be decided at intergovernmental level outside the normal EC decision-making machinery .
15 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
16 Should we be thrusting more work down to districts and th , and they 'll to do the job rather than always assume it should be done at this level ?
17 And it can be done at any level .
18 The questioning technique can be used at primary level , at first in quite a simple way , but one which can be developed , through worrying at a topic , hypothesising , attacking it from different angles , throwing in a bit of extra information or another piece of evidence , and seeing the effect they had , asking further questions .
19 Animals again can easily be accommodated at this level but it will not follow from this that they will be capable of the conscious distress or anxiety of a parent at an injury to their child , or of the hamstrung athlete warned by the doctor that they must give up running .
20 If a function or a procedure is used recursively , the LOCAL variables will be preserved at each level .
21 This was no easy task as the Lincoln would be flying at low level over a featureless jungle and the bomb aimer had to be quick in identifying each datum point on the route into and out of the target point .
22 It 's the second health issue in recent weeks in Oxfordshire to be raised at national level .
23 Meanwhile , another change to the offside law is being proposed — this time by the Football Association of Wales — and it could be introduced at non-League level next season .
24 He emphasized that " NATO is not the whole of the Atlantic alliance , and not all questions can be settled at that level " .
25 The network system allows access paths to be defined at any level and thus allows much greater flexibility .
26 You would be amazed at what can be stored at this level .
27 On the other hand , there is no law saying that librarianship , or teaching , or media production , can not be learned at professional level by people who already have a professional accreditation in another field .
28 Two main forms of privatization can be identified at local level : first , the issuing of contracts to private agencies to undertake work for councils and , secondly , a redefinition of certain existing public services as services which should be supplied by the market .
29 ‘ More and more decisions can only be taken at European level , ’ Mr Bangemann said .
30 If Ministers are serious about wanting us not to be governed by unaccountable bureaucrats , why are they not leading in the argument that those decisions that have to be taken at European level are fully accountable to a stronger European Parliament that is elected by a fair system ?
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