Example sentences of "be [verb] to the court " in BNC.

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1 If you suspect , for example , that your neighbour intends to build on your land , or if your windows are going to be blocked so that no light can get through , or if an unreasonable nuisance is going to be caused , then your last hope may be to go to the courts and ask for an injunction .
2 Failing that , the case will be referred to the court by the commission , or by the Government , or be decided by a committee of ministers .
3 The 28 days for Courtney 's case to be referred to the Court of Appeal runs out on Monday .
4 Does the Minister agree that the next time one of these offenders comes before the courts for sentencing , if the sentence does not contain a deterrent element , bearing in mind the increase in this type of crime , it would be wise for the Home Office to seek the guidance of the Attorney-General so that the sentence can be referred to the Court of Appeal , which could then lay down a guideline sentence for this type of crime which contains a deterrent element ?
5 The UK Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker , announced on Sept. 17 that the case of Judith Ward , sentenced to life imprisonment at Wakefield Crown Court in 1974 for the IRA bombing of a coach carrying soldiers and their families on the M62 motorway in Yorkshire [ see pp. 26873-74 ] , would be referred to the Court of Appeal .
6 ( Decisions in future cases will also have to be referred to the courts ) .
7 Powers should be given to the courts to sentence adult offenders to attendance centres .
8 Later , in the Court of Appeal , Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , refused a stay in the order pending an appeal , but agreed to allow the notes to be given to the court in a sealed envelope , to be returned unopened if the appeal succeeded .
9 Seven days notice of the application has to be given to the court and to the police .
10 It may be communicated to the court in the following ways : ( a ) Oral testimony Witnesses may be called to give oral evidence to the court .
11 An ESO will remain in force for one year , but at any time within three months before its expiry date an application for its extension may be made to the court .
12 NOTICE To : Smith & Jones ( Contracts ) Limited , whose registered office is situate at Coldharbour Road , Thames Marshes , Essex WHEREAS ( 1 ) You are justly and truly indebted in the sum of £1250 to Robinson Bros Ltd trading as Go Fast Transport whose registered office is situate at Cornmarket Chambers Ipswich Suffolk more particularly in respect of transport costs for the quick delivery of fragile machine equipment and related warehousing costs ( 2 ) By Section 517 ( 1 ) ( f ) of the Companies Act 1985 it is provided that a company may be wound up by the court if the company is unable to pay its debts ( exceeding £750 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you pursuant to Section 518(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 that you are required to pay the said sum of £1250 to Go Fast Transport ( GFT ) not later than 3 weeks from tomorrow 's date AND that if you neglect to pay the said sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of GFT an application will be made to the court for your winding up by petition presented by GFT under the provisions of Section 519 of the Companies Act 1985 .
13 In so far as the United Kingdom might wish to argue that it itself has the right under the Convention to retain requirements such as those at issue , reference can also be made to the court 's judgment in Commission of the European Economic Community v. Italian Republic ( Case 10/61 ) [ 1962 ] E.C.R. 1 , from which it appears that according to the principles of international law , a member state which , by virtue of the entry into force of the E.E.C .
14 The appointment letter should also state that ( i ) in the event of the time and place not being convenient , the debtor is to name some other time and place reasonably convenient for the purpose , ( ii ) ( statutory demands ) if the debtor fails to keep the appointment the creditor proposes to serve the debtor by advertisement or post or insertion through a letter box or as the case may be , and that , in the event of a bankruptcy petition being presented , the court will be asked to treat such service as service of the demand on the debtor , ( iii ) ( petitions ) if the debtor fails to keep the appointment , application will be made to the court for an order for substituted service either by advertisement or in such other manner as the court may think fit ; ( c ) in attending any appointment made by letter , inquiry should be made whether the debtor has received all letters left for him .
15 Although proposals for secret ballots and annual elections came to nothing , a Triennial Bill was passed into law in 1694 , whilst in 1696 Acts were passed to prevent electoral charges and expenses ( to keep the price of a contest within the gentry 's means ) and to prevent local changes in the established franchise ( which were generally thought to be made to the Court 's advantage ) .
16 Proceedings under the Settled Land Act 1925 , the Trustee Act 1925 or for the administration of the estate of a deceased person may be commenced in the court which the plaintiff regards as most convenient having regard to the residences or places of business of the parties or to the subject matter of the proceedings ( Ord 4 , r 4 ) , but payment into court under s 63 of the Trustee Act 1925 shall be made to the court in whose district the person ( or any of them ) making the payment resides ( Ord 49 , r 20(2) ) .
17 Payment may be made to the court office by postal order , banker 's or giro draft or cheques ( subject to clearance and the Chief Clerk 's consent ) .
18 1.33 Similarly , even before proceedings are commenced application can be made to the court under s33(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 or s52(1) of the County Courts Act 1984 for an order for the inspection , photographing , custody or detention of property or for the taking of samples .
19 Without that provision , either the appointing authority will have to be persuaded to act and the other party persuaded to drop its objections , or an application would have to be made to the court for a declaration as to whether the reference should proceed .
20 An application can be made to the court to obtain a ruling by issuing an originating summons under RSC Ord 7 , seeking a declaration in the terms of the meaning desired .
21 ( c ) Variation and discharge of orders An application to extend , vary or discharge an existing order must be made to the court which made the original order .
22 An application for variation or discharge must be made to the court which made the original order .
23 One , application could be made to the court that Mr the landlord is unreasonably withholding consent to the lease , if the court finds that this is in fact the case they will permit the assignment of the lease to you , not withstanding the landlord 's objection .
24 If such application was to be made to the court I feel that further references to your business acumen would have to be supplied beforehand .
25 If an unreasonable time has elapsed and the husband refuses or fails to execute the conveyance or transfer , application can be made to the court ( see Chapter 8 ) .
26 If the parties can not agree on the terms of the mortgage , application can always be made to the court who will settle the terms of the mortgage or direct that conveyancing counsel be appointed by the court to do so .
27 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
28 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
29 Section 124 of the Insolvency Act provides that a winding up petition may be presented to the court by :
30 If there is a serious possibility that the debtor 's property or the value thereof will be significantly diminished during the three week period after service of a statutory demand , a petition may be presented to the court before the end of the three week period ( s 270 ) .
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