Example sentences of "be [verb] to the united " in BNC.

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1 A government decree issued on Oct. 8 offered drug traffickers a guarantee that they would not be extradited to the United States to face drug charges if they surrendered to the authorities .
2 Jorge Luis Ochoa , joint leader of the MedellĂ­n drug cartel , surrendered to the authorities on Jan. 15 in response to government assurances in September and October including a guarantee that drug traffickers who gave themselves up would not be extradited to the United States [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ] .
3 The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom .
4 Therefore , it is urgent that the Minister 's Department and the Government honour what they agreed , or that money and many other benefits will be lost to the United Kingdom .
5 [ That this House calls upon the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Minister of State for Overseas Development to grant Aid Trade Provision Cover and ECGD cover over three years from 1992 to enable Communication Supplies Ltd. to continue to export further System X telephone exchanges and ancillary equipment to Kenya , which they have done successfully for the past seven years ; and furthermore notes that the Kenyan Government considers this project as top of their list of priorities for trade with the United Kingdom , and the project will save and provide many thousands of jobs throughout the United Kingdom and will lead to repeat business for many years to come , and that if funding is not forthcoming the contract will be lost to the United Kingdom and awarded to either Japanese , French or Italian companies , all of whom have shown open interest . ]
6 Certainly , without strong protection , the computer industry would seem a poor area in which to invest , and foreign investment and the resulting jobs created would be lost to the United Kingdom .
7 However , Boss 's joy was tempered by the fact that Balla Cove was sold to two Americans earlier this week and is to be sent to the United States to be trained by Ron MacAnally , who prepared the great John Henry .
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