Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] using [det] " in BNC.

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1 In some ways , she might be justified in using that argument .
2 Again , this could easily be resolved by using more nurse speakers .
3 The developers also believed that many of the near-miss cases could also be solved by using some simple morphological and/or syntactic analysis .
4 If progress is unduly delayed by failing to agree on sufficiently ‘ pure ’ definitions , then the systems thinking can be tempered by using such devices as the hierarchy of control model ( as covered on pages 81 to 83 of Chapter 6 ) .
5 In 1953 , with the same type of undulator and 100 MeV electrons , he produced spontaneous visible radiation , and later showed analytically that radiation could be amplified by using this technique .
6 Doubts have been expressed , though , on this use of pottery distributions because the evidence can be interpreted in different ways and so care must be exercised in using these projections as indicators of market areas .
7 Discuss the range of objectives likely to be set in using such activities .
8 Analogously , computerised handwriting recognition can be enhanced by using such higher level knowledge : for both printed and handwritten input , the stimulus alone is not enough to unambiguously identify the text .
9 ( In such cases , the biological process may be enhanced by using some physicochemical techniques such as air stripping or activated carbon adsorption . )
10 These drawings could be created by using either of the conventional artwork programs but the amount of effort wasted is significant .
11 The world , it is argued , can in principle be described without using any " pluralistically committed " terms at all .
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