Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 Overall , these families frequently tend to be placed in the worst housing or on the worst estates , partly perhaps because of their inability to pay higher rents , and partly because local authorities have always been inclined to allocate poor people and slum dwellers to particular estates ( Gray , 1979 ) .
2 Anyone going beyond silent forms of disaffection had still to be prepared for the worst from the servants and supporters of a regime now in extremis .
3 Let us hope for the best but be prepared for the worst .
4 Meanwhile emergency services are warning that this was a very lucky escape and that boat users should always be prepared for the worst .
5 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
6 Unfortunately the same could not be said of the bad weather ruling which reared its ugly head too often .
7 This means that an action can not be founded on a bad cause .
8 And the on-going tabloid obsession with Charles and Diana 's marriage : ‘ Oh , they must be going through a bad patch .
9 Such progression may of course merely be preempted by the worse prognosis of HIV disease itself .
10 Somebody with a £100,000 portfolio who deals £5,000-£10,000 worth of stock at a time will be protected from the worst stocks , doubly so if he is lucky enough to be in the hands of a dealer with a longer-term commitment to his profession than average .
11 Although the government has always maintained that HATs will be restricted to the worst estates , it is by no means clear what criteria have been applied in the selection of these nine .
12 Some are to be found in the bad effects of traditional ‘ god-worship ’ on the ethical behaviour of the individual .
13 You 'll be known as a bad girl even if you 're as pure as the Prophet 's daughter . ’
14 In a sense , greater values are at stake in the operation of aircraft , ships , and railways , because many lives are involved , more than would normally be risked by the bad driving of a motor vehicle ( although there is an important exception here in the operation of buses and coaches , which are more akin to planes , boats , and trains ) .
15 They might thus be characterised as the two Ugly Sisters who through their actions succeeded in making the British economy the Cinderella of the industrialised world — and the USA could be cast as the Bad Fairy who ensured that the Ugly Sisters always got their way .
16 Notice that the determination of such rates presupposes an understanding of what counts in a culture as ‘ deliberate ’ , and that a high rate need not necessarily be viewed as a bad thing by the culture concerned .
17 As he said himself : ‘ We do n't want to be sitting on a bad result for the next 3 ½ months . ’
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