Example sentences of "be [vb pp] at the expense " in BNC.

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1 All certificates , information and evidence required by the Insurer shall be furnished at the expense of the Insured Person or his/her legal personal representatives .
2 There was the public humiliation of being dropped from the side ; the autocratic style of managers , who were themselves as afraid and insecure as their players ; the refusal to let good players use their natural talent to play , forcing them through repetitive training ‘ systems ’ and naïve ‘ game plans ’ ; the petty jealousies of the players , their hierarchies , and childish pranks ; the fear of the new signing , who has to be included at the expense of an old friend ; the view of a match from ‘ the inside ’ when you know a team-mate does not want the ball but wants it to look as if you will not give it to him .
3 This creates a problem in that there is no justification why a manager 's compensation package should be supplemented at the expense of the corporation or its shareholders .
4 The remainder of the forest wastes was in most cases divided between the lords of the manors and the commoners , in proportion to the value of their interests : the allotments were then to be fenced at the expense of the proprietors .
5 Suggesting that the long-term viability of BC and its privatisation potential could be put at risk by curbs on open-cast operations , Mr Chance added : ‘ Mining communities can not be saved at the expense of the open-cast industry .
6 Thus , a statutory provision allowing recourse to an alternative remedy will not readily be interpreted as requiring the alternative redress to be sought at the expense of an application to a court .
7 The presence of your firm has to be pushed against the competition — and eventually your firm has to be advanced at the expense of others .
8 There is a possibility , albeit unlikely , that knowledge may be advanced at the expense of the subject .
9 Expansionary monetary and fiscal policies could only be bought at the expense of higher inflation rates .
10 But if , indeed , higher returns on retirement can be bought at the expense of derisory returns on death , how is it that terminal bonuses play such an important part in the ultimate returns .
11 ‘ The result is : ( 1 ) That this Act does not necessarily require anything to be done under it which might not be done without causing a nuisance ; ( 2 ) That as to those things which may or may not be under it , there is no evidence on the face of the Act that the legislature supposed it to be impossible for any of them to be done ( if they were done at all ) somewhere and under some circumstances , without creating a nuisance ; and ( 3 ) That the legislature has manifested no intention that any of these optional powers , as to asylums , should be exercised at the expense of , or so as to interfere with , any man 's private rights .
12 It has always been made clear that the Government 's reforms are not to be introduced at the expense of patient and client care .
13 However , the need for some form of travolator or form of fixed link would involve an extra change , which is avoidable and would be provided at the expense of convenience and journey time .
14 As neither is achievable ( or should be attempted at the expense of the other ) an overconstrained system exists .
15 Mr Lenarduzzi 's sleep is also disturbed by the thought that the interests of the nation may only be served at the expense of local needs or , indeed , that purely academic considerations might distort the wider implications of a proper education .
16 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
17 The ‘ poverty lobby ’ sought to persuade the government that family allowances could be increased at the expense of child tax allowances .
18 While this is adequate for many purposes , more colours can be generated at the expense of a reduction in the number of unit map cells that can be printed across the width of the paper by the use of a procedure called dithering .
19 They can be gained at the expense of time spent on clients with other problems ( as will be seen in Chapter 4 ) or they can be derived from additional funding earmarked for the purpose .
20 When such adjustments are made , the Phillips curve apparently gives the policy-maker a choice between employment and stable prices ; more of one can only be gained at the expense of the other .
21 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
22 Suddenly there were too many women realising that their happiness had to be taken at the expense of their men 's — men who had promised so much and could not now deliver the goods ; just like her father five years before .
23 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
24 By the end of 1926 , the General Council was advancing the argument , with some justification , that the General Strike had only been an attempt to warn employers that the problems of industry could not constantly be tackled at the expense of the standard of living of the workers .
25 For example , helping one client obtain a council tenancy may be achieved at the expense of others on the list .
26 A wider bandwidth could be achieved at the expense of a shorter delay time , but this would not give such a good reverberation effect .
27 A major new endowment for Gloucester could only be achieved at the expense of existing interests , and this was politically unacceptable .
28 However , convictions for rape are hard to obtain and defendants very often plead not guilty when charged , so that the symbolic advantages of such a change might be achieved at the expense of even fewer convictions for the conduct concerned .
29 To complement the quotation from Winston Churchill 's reply to the debate on the then Coal Mines ( Eight Hours ) Bill that was given by the hon. Member for Holborn and St. Pancras , I should like to draw the House 's attention to other words of Winston Churchill in the same speech , which are as self-evidently true today as they were then : ’ We have reminded the hon. Gentleman of it often ; but why should cheapness of production always be achieved at the expense of the human factor ?
30 A major new endowment for Gloucester could only be achieved at the expense of existing interests , and this was politically unacceptable .
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