Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to the needs " in BNC.

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1 Thus particular attention must be given to the needs of the target population — the end-users and intermediaries .
2 Priority would be given to the needs of Ethiopian and Somali refugees .
3 In other words the indexing system must be tailored to the needs of the users of the index .
4 These three treatment options should not be regarded as mutually exclusive ; rather , their relative roles should be tailored to the needs of the individual patient .
5 Maths tuition can be tailored to the needs of people budgeting for the family groceries , learning to measure and switching over to metrication or simply those wanting to be able to help their children with maths homework .
6 Just as , beyond a certain point , the terms of capitalist political economy ( ‘ development ’ , ‘ progress ’ , ‘ production ’ ) can be rearticulated to the needs of a radically different society only through their transformation in the light perhaps of older ecologies , so , arguably , the assumptions of the bourgeois music tradition can , beyond an equivalent point , be most easily articulated to the interests of a future , more liberated order if critically combined with techniques drawn from older , popular traditions ( see Jameson 's comments in Block et al .
7 The first argument has some merit for it is akin to the argument of non-Marxists that education should be related to the needs of the economy .
8 The standard must be fixed by reference to the hypothetical reasonable parent and how he or she would act in certain circumstances but must also be related to the needs of the child in question .
9 Resources may be organised to support the family as a whole , rather than be geared to the needs of the individual .
10 A growing recognition that services should be adapted to the needs of individual users to sustain independence underlies present community care policies , set out in the White Paper " Caring for People " ( DOH 1989 ) .
11 It seems to inhibit the attention that can be paid to the needs and natures of different young people living in different communities .
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