Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] relation to " in BNC.

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1 Although such a confirmation does not have to be given in relation to a voluntary offer until the offer document is posted , it is imperative that the necessary investigation work be completed by the financial adviser before the announcement is made , given that the announcement binds the offeror to post the offer document .
2 For the purpose of discussion the impact of agriculture on environment will initially be examined in relation to three distinct regions that exemplify developing world environments , namely arid and semi-arid regions , humid rainforest regions and mountain areas .
3 The answers to these questions will give a range of data which may be examined in relation to the literary effect of each passage .
4 These approaches , political realism and liberal pluralism , will be examined in relation to the following four questions about the nature of global politics :
5 The social movements based upon the latter affiliations , which were discussed in Chapter 2 , have assumed much greater political importance during the past few decades , and their development , like that of youth movements , needs to be examined in relation to wider social changes .
6 But these positive ties have to be examined in relation to continuing Anglo-American tensions and contradictions .
7 James Sutherland 's description of eighteenth century poetry as a dinner-party to which only men are invited may be justified in relation to the traditional canon of polite verse .
8 Any added years will also be calculated in relation to your new salary , so these too will be more expensive .
9 The OPEC talks ran into early resistance from Saudi Arabia , which demanded that all OPEC members should accept a pro rata production cut which would be calculated in relation to their current actual output — a move which would have left its share of OPEC output undiminished .
10 Some flexibility is possible with some emission standards such that , for example , emission standards may be adjusted in relation to stack height , in recognition of the better dispersion achieved by higher stacks .
11 The individual board regulations may differ and should be checked in relation to particular procedures for application .
12 Sequencing This concerns itself with the problem of the sequence in which the items in the block are to be taught in relation to their usefulness and difficulty .
13 Since it is more than likely that funds would be limited in relation to the demand for them , the Commission 's own priorities become important in deciding where and how to intervene .
14 Safety should be considered in relation to positioning of lighting in the house and access areas , particularly where there are steps or stairs .
15 There are several different aspects of the concept of dependence/independence which is incorporated in the model , and can be considered in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
16 A separate venue must be available , however , if confidential information is to be considered in relation to nursing care .
17 Its content will obviously be considered in relation to the ward learning objectives .
18 These will be considered in relation to factors affecting the learning process .
19 These factors can be considered in relation to the programme of library education :
20 At the next Scottish Liberal Party Council meeting I put forward a motion that Home Rule should be the principal aim and object of our policy and that in Scottish domestic matters all other issues should be considered in relation to it .
21 Any change in the vulnerable elderly person 's capacity to cope with daily living should be considered in relation to his/her place in the family network , and the capacity of that network to respond to the change .
22 The rules about standing need to be considered in relation to three types of judicial review actions : I shall call these private actions , public actions and hybrid actions .
23 The network of existence and of relationships seldom allows consideration of any problem to be considered in relation to one person alone .
24 There are complex issues to be considered in relation to the virus and you 'll need professional help and expert guidance .
25 Aspects of the speaker 's assumptions about his hearer 's knowledge must also be considered in relation to the elements which the speaker does make explicit in his contribution .
26 Theoretical issues relating to the concept of attitudes will be considered in relation to an actual social issue — British attitudes towards the monarchy .
27 A major point emerging from our analysis of language/network relationships is that the variable network needs to be considered in relation to the variable sex of speaker .
28 It is the government 's view that the actual cash spent must be considered in relation to , and made consistent with , the government 's objectives for taxation , the borrowing requirements and the money supply .
29 ‘ In my judgment the interests of the children are now to be taken into account and to be considered in relation to all the circumstances of the case including in relation to the general desirability that children wrongfully removed from their place of habitual residence should be returned .
30 He argued that the exercise of the discretion must be considered in relation to , and in the context of , the scope and purpose of the Convention , which is set out in article 1 of the Convention .
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