Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the united " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the Adoption Act 1968 extends the powers of courts in the United Kingdom over adoption , and enables effect to be given in the United Kingdom to adoptions made in other countries ; and the Adoption Act 1976 consolidates all the earlier enactments relating to adoption .
2 IHTA 1984 , s65(7) however provides that there will be no interim charge by reason only that the property ceases to be situated in the United Kingdom and thus becomes excluded property because of IHTA 1984 , s48(3) ( a ) .
3 A government decree issued on Oct. 8 offered drug traffickers a guarantee that they would not be extradited to the United States to face drug charges if they surrendered to the authorities .
4 Jorge Luis Ochoa , joint leader of the Medellín drug cartel , surrendered to the authorities on Jan. 15 in response to government assurances in September and October including a guarantee that drug traffickers who gave themselves up would not be extradited to the United States [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ] .
5 Incidentally , if our Government really believed in the principle of subsidiarity , they would have ensured that decision-making would be decentralised within the United Kingdom as well as within the Community .
6 By a crowning touch of irony , the last-mentioned were still to be treated in the United Kingdom as equivalent to British subjects .
7 ( a ) Moving trust property abroad A non-domiciled settlor may have set up a settlement but the settled property may nevertheless be located in the United Kingdom .
8 Whatever happens to IBM , the world and European computer markets seem likely still to be dominated by the United States and Japan .
9 A magnificent rotunda as carriage concourse projected from the front of the building , and in 1903 a great single-span train-shed , the last to be built in the United States , was added behind .
10 These weapons , called cruise and Pershing , were to be land-based and many of the cruise missiles were to be sited in the United Kingdom .
11 So the question whether a Bill of Rights should be adopted in the United Kingdom is relevant to the issue of citizenship .
12 This evidence suggests that were the STV to be adopted in the United Kingdom it would have effects broadly similar to those it has in Ireland , and rather different from those proclaimed by its British advocates .
13 The WGMS could , in short , be adopted in the United Kingdom in full confidence that insignificant hiccups in the form of excess seats would be no more frequent than they are in the Federal Republic , where it has been tested in eleven general elections and not found wanting .
14 Leading examples of this form of government can be seen in the United States , Canada , Australia and West Germany .
15 But the balancing act does not have to be done in the United States with regard to AFDC ( and other programmes , such as Medicaid ) , because the government which distributes the benefits ( at the State level ) is not also responsible for raising most of the money to pay for them ( which comes from the Federal government ) .
16 it is executed in the United Kingdom no matter where the property concerned may be situate ; 2. it relates to UK property wherever it is executed ; 3. it relates to anything done or to be done in the United Kingdom , eg payment of the purchase price or the issue of consideration shares .
17 Garments from the high-class Edel MacBride fashion shop in Londonderry are to be exhibited in the United States .
18 The same can be said of the United States Constitution , but in Britain there is no body that stands in a position analogous to that of the United States Supreme Court .
19 A fortiori , the requirement for all owners to reside and be domiciled in the United Kingdom can not be justified in the light of the aims of the quota system .
20 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
21 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
22 What planning should he undertake with respect to inheritance tax — bearing in mind that under the deemed domicile provisions in IHTA 1984 , s267(1) the taxpayer is deemed to be domiciled in the United Kingdom if he was so domiciled three years immediately preceding his death or he was resident in the United Kingdom in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the death occurs ?
23 No other business jet has so many differing roles : in addition to corporate use , it is used for military liaison and communication flights , casualty evacuation , photographic survey , aeronautical and meteorological research , navaid calibration , airline crew training , Electronic Counter Measure ( ECM mission , weapon system trainer ( Mirage 111E ) , mini freight carrier and in the near future the Garrett turbofan-engine 20G will be operated by the United States Coast Guard .
24 The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom .
25 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
26 One influence is the fact that eurobonds can not be sold into the United States before the end of a 90-day seasoning period and must be registered .
27 China is offering to sell Scud surface-to-surface missiles to Saudi Arabia so that they can be used by the United States in a programme to improve the Patriot missile defence system , according to a report in the Haaretz newspaper in Israel .
28 It 'll be shown in the United States before the end of the year , but cinema audiences in Britain will have to wait until the spring of 1994 before it comes to our screens .
29 KING Peter II of Yugoslavia , who died in 1934 , was the only European monarch ever to be buried in the United States .
30 Nor did it support the ‘ geographic fiction ’ that evidence to be produced in the United States was not ‘ abroad ’ even though it was in fact located in a foreign country or must be gathered or otherwise prepared abroad .
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