Example sentences of "be [adv] explained [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nor can it be wholly explained by the employment changes which were pushing greater numbers of people into the market irrespective of wage trends .
2 I know nothing of the circumstances of his illness , but he was dying angrily and his procrastinations could be sufficiently explained by a need to hold on to life , to defer events into the future .
3 The presence of nitrates can be easily explained by the fact that human burials had taken place within the church : during the exploration programme a number of skeletons and well preserved human remains have been discovered .
4 This anomaly is now seen to be largely explained by the intervention of the patron — the broker land agent — who set the objective for both lawyer and client in two of the three cases .
5 The reference to specific information only , can be best explained by the need to ensure that the definition of inside information is not so wide as to include legitimate research undertaken by investment analysts .
6 The weight of the evidence is that it is growing stronger and more united and , as I shall go on to argue , this can be best explained within the context of the culture-ideology of consumerism .
7 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
8 Eden 's remedy was to encourage departmental ministers to bring to Cabinet or Cabinet committee ‘ any questions which are likely to occasion public controversy or criticism or may need to be carefully explained to the Government 's supporters in Parliament ’ .
9 The mystery surrounding the identity of property owners can be partly explained by a typical Victorian reticence concerning financial matters .
10 This long immunity undoubtedly owed something to their impeccable Yorkist background , and its termination may , conversely , be partly explained by the fall from favour of their other patron , the earl of Warwick .
11 The differences can be partly explained by the habits of parental care ; monogamous species often have biparental care , polygynous species maternal care , and polyandrous species paternal care .
12 The reasons for this difference may be partly explained by the different techniques of measurement .
13 Indeed , the reason for the greater frequency of chronic diarrhoea in this study in comparison with others in the United Kingdom , may be partly explained by the subgroups of children who had recently travelled abroad and those who had an itinerant existance .
14 This long immunity undoubtedly owed something to their impeccable Yorkist background , and its termination may , conversely , be partly explained by the fall from favour of their other patron , the earl of Warwick .
15 The reported figures for failure of sclerotherapy vary widely from 5% to 60% , but this variation can be partly explained by the lack of a universal definition of ‘ failure of treatment ’ .
16 This may be partly explained by the large study population needed to show even a modest advantage ; the statistical power of the study being proportional to the number of deaths within the population .
17 This glut of contracts can also be partly explained by the actions of some banks supporting their national exchanges , and by some governments ' policies through their tax legislation and regulation actions which are aimed at establishing a presence in what is thought to be an essential requirement for each country 's financial centre .
18 The above stages should be clearly explained to the haulier by his lawyers so that a contested action does not become the sole preserve of the lawyers .
19 Some prior preparation aimed at outlining the purpose of family meetings is useful , and the stance the counsellor plans to take should be clearly explained to the counsellee before the start of family meetings .
20 Equation ( 4.29 ) shows that this economist will find that real output can be perfectly explained by the change in the money supply .
21 The reduced adhesion of DMJ treated HT-29 cells towards the extracellular matrix components tsted can not be simply explained by a diminished expression of integrin receptors , because the effect of DNJ on the expression of integrins was similar or greater than that of DMJ , but inhibition of cell adhesion was less efficient or absent .
22 If this did in fact happen , it can be plausibly explained by the anxiety of lay landowners to provide for their families and by their inability to browse on retirement in clerical pastures .
23 These measures will be fully explained to the Annual Conference of Presidents and Secretaries of Local Law Societies in London on Tuesday 19 January when John Appleby , Chairman of the Courts and Legal Services Committee , will present the package and call on the Government to withdraw its proposed eligibility cuts immediately now that an alternative package of savings has been agreed by the profession .
24 From our laboratory , it has previously been reported that the acid stimulatory effect of gastrin can be fully explained by the stimulation of histamine release .
25 Moreover , just as the empirical data on social inequality that were presented in Chapter 2 could be usefully explained through a combination of Marxist and Weberian theories , in this chapter , the concepts of closure and reproduction also help to bring Marxist and Weberian approaches together , this time for the analysis of the dynamics of class .
26 This is not meant to suggest , of course , that the dismantling of the British empire can be comprehensively explained by the role of ‘ character ’ in the formation of imperial policy : a chapter on the end of empire in a book called Empire and the English Character must include a disclaimer to that effect .
27 There are many baffling viral diseases that can not be readily explained as the result of an acute infection or the integration of viral genes into chromosomes .
28 His behaviour at this point can be readily explained by the fact that he was Sigismund 's son-in-law .
29 More recently Gill , Khalaf , and Massoud ( 1979 ) provided support for the stance of Jones and Wellman , deducing that the observed increase in rank up to the medium-volatile stage could be adequately explained as the thermal result of former depth of burial ; the higher ranks , they argued , require the additional factor of above-average palaeogeothermal gradients in the area concerned .
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