Example sentences of "be [prep] the basis [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With Ferranti needing to raise a minimum of £150m in new equity , the issue would have to be on the basis of one for two .
2 It may have been the job of the think-tank to think the unthinkable , but such discussion needed to be on the basis of informed examination .
3 If Ayer then tells the theist that he or she is still unable to make meaningful theological statements , then it can not surely be on the basis of the verification principle , the principle by which he claims to distinguish meaningful from meaningless statements .
4 His confidence that God 's existence could be demonstrated from the natural world made him a favourite target for those who felt it could only be on the basis of God 's special revelation of Himself that faith could be justified .
5 This might be on the basis of a particular attribute such as colour or shape , or a more abstract quality such as use or even ‘ because I like them ’ .
6 If the search for my luggage was ‘ eventually ’ unsuccessful , reimbursement would be on the basis of its weight .
7 This has major implications for the relationship between the two ; few local ‘ voluntaries ’ can afford to offend those who hold purse strings and the nature of the services which they offer may sometimes be on the basis of a contract from the statutory sector ( for example , for meals-on-wheels ) rather than an independent initiative .
8 If so , it would not be on the basis of contract ( there being no contractual bond ) nor on the basis of a duty of fidelity ( since the confider does not employ the employee ) , but on ‘ the broad principle of equity ’ .
9 This could be on the basis of multi-member constituencies and some form of proportional representation or on the existing first past the post system .
10 If he is liable to the plaintiffs at all it can only be on the basis of professional negligence .
11 This could be on the basis of the shape of the letters ( physical identity ) or according to the name of the letters ( nominal identity ) .
12 Once invoices and other costing documentation have been correctly coded and costed via the computer system , management is faced with a choice of how to file the ’ dead ’ paperwork : ( a ) Filing could be on the basis of the unique number on each costing document .
13 Initially this could be on the basis of individual projects or overhead accounts and subsequently in as much detail as management consider necessary .
14 A final one-day visit by a ‘ core group ’ of members approved the scheme indefinitely and agreed that the future pattern of review would be on the basis of a rolling cycle established by the Polytechnic .
15 If significant provision is to be made it must be on the basis of a genuine negotiation and interaction between educators and the community , involving both social understanding and careful curriculum development to meet the needs of each particular group .
16 9.2 The Personnel Committee will then determine , in the light of all the circumstances , whether or not to approve an extension of sickness allowance and whether any such extension shall be on the basis of full or half pay .
17 Division of assets would be on the basis of the size of each republic 's population , Slovakia having approximately half the population of Bohemia-Moravia ; it was reported that no financial compensation would be paid by either republic to the other .
18 Yes , I mean I I took your need figure to be on the basis of the suggested figure of twelve thousand seven hundred for the Greater York area .
19 Day 15 Received an order for another 200 chairs at a price of £50 each payment was to be on the basis of cash on delivery .
20 Otherwise , whether we eventually accept or reject any particular religious belief , it may not be on the basis of understanding but of mis-understanding that we choose .
21 In this way , even if the pupil does finally reject the Church 's teaching , at least it will be on the basis of informed opinion rather than emotion , bias or misunderstanding .
22 The financial forecasts do not assume that such funds will be available , but reflect the position as it is expected to be on the basis of reasonably firm government funding projections , with Management Studies developing slowly and with no major physical developments other than those funded by outside sources .
23 By contrast , the British Constitution is admired by Britons for reflecting the wisdom of past generations , as the product of experience — in short , a constitution that stipulates what should be on the basis of what has proved to work rather than on abstract first principles .
24 Reselections would be on the basis of the reconstituted firm 's details .
25 Reselections would be on the basis of the new firm 's details .
26 If you mark the letter without prejudice then taxation will be on the basis of what you put in the bill .
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