Example sentences of "with exactly the [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But when applied to the two-particle situation we are considering here , the de Broglie-Bohm formulation leads to a non-local action at a distance with exactly the same properties that Einstein and Schrödinger intuitively felt to be implied by quantum mechanics .
2 How awfully dull it would be if all our teachers approached a class in exactly the same way , with exactly the same movements , all executed at the same pace and with expectations of the same rigid standard of achievement .
3 And finally we have the Lowden ‘ LSE ’ or ‘ stage edition ’ series , with exactly the same dimensions as the ‘ F ’ series save for one thing — they 're considerably shallower , being 80mm deep instead of 120mm .
4 Exactly the same battlelines , with exactly the same watchwords and against much the same enemies , now urgently need to be drawn up to save the traditional British pub .
5 We will meet with exactly the same words in the Hebrew again in 1 Samuel 4.5 , when the ark is brought into the Israelite camp and , the storyteller reports , ‘ all Israel gave a mighty shout ’ ( it is a pity that variations in the English translations of the verses obscure the echoes in the original ) .
6 Their behaviour patterns can also be extremely individual , so that two autistic children with exactly the same characteristics may react differently to exactly the same situation .
7 The existing members were told you can either join the new scheme with its improved benefits , reduced contributions , with certain rules that were operating in favour of the employer that were against them , but it was a balancing act , or if you do n't want that you can stay with the old scheme and continue with exactly the same terms .
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