Example sentences of "with nothing [adj] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone is keen to see otter , but again they prove elusive and we round the north of the island with nothing other than a few passing gannet , some tysties and shags and a couple of rabbits spotted among the peaty banks .
2 It made her howl with bitterness when she was alone in the weeks that followed , and it made her grit her teeth as she strode through the streets looking for revenge , or for her baby , or for Dorothy , not too sure what she was looking for but usually coming home with nothing better than a bag of old tins .
3 The route , at least , was what they 'd said , and so with nothing worse than the altitude to battle against , we reached the summit with ample time to absorb the views .
4 It supplied him with nothing less than the key to a fresh overall grasp of theology which was able to cope with the most serious challenges proffered in the previous century .
5 The Open University freaks have taken so many short cuts that they are rudderless ships on that same deep ocean which you , most probably , crossed with nothing more than a paddle or ragged bit of sail under a stiff breeze and with a lively brain .
6 I defy anyone to enter upon altered states of reality with nothing more than a bottle of Trumper 's shampoo and an almost-empty tube of Guerlain 's Habit Rouge face balm .
7 Each chariot is drawn by two fine Elven steeds and carries a single Tiranoc noble who controls the chariot with nothing more than a spoken word .
8 With nothing more than a saw , pocket knife and file he resolved how to let just the right amount of ink out and air in , and made a fountain pen to his own design .
9 Together , the Big Five laid the foundations of the distinctive Scottish systems of a small number of large banks with extensive networks , as opposed to say the English pattern of thousands of small banks with nothing more than a local presence .
10 Parents see relationships as the most important aspect of primary schooling and marketing has much to do with relationships , it simply starts with nothing more than an insistence on common courtesy — or is it more like uncommon courtesy ?
11 Robin Knox-Johnson has recently been honoured at the Silk Cut Awards for his seamanship in navigating his yacht Suhali one way across the Atlantic with nothing more than an astrolabe , a cross-staff and a lot of skill , and then back without a mast , engine , radio or compass after a battering in a series of storms .
12 What was more , the Substitute gave the impression that he could cope with any third party interference , at any level , with nothing more than the pursed lips and flicker of amusement with which he seemed to regard everything that went on around him .
13 He would make occasional forays into the United States or films , but Lynn 's only real home was in Aldwych farces as part of the Travers team which ran triumphantly into the 1930s , and he stayed with them , creating and recreating the role of the silly ass forever working his way out of impossible situations , often armed with nothing more than the famous monocle , a daft grin , and an apparently inexhaustible ability to triumph over adversity by the sheer idiocy of his own imagination .
14 Since she was abandoned by her husband — under Ugandan Native Law a man can freely acquire other wives — Mrs Kizza has had to support nine children with nothing more than the 1,500/ ( £1 ) a week she earns from serving in a bookshop .
15 He had n't even used force , holding her with nothing more than the subtle movement of his mouth on hers .
16 Fate had thrown them together , but eventually their paths would separate , leaving her with nothing more than the memory of a powerful body pressed close and warm against her own .
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