Example sentences of "with almost [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite being launched six months or so ago in the US , with almost singular lack of impact , this part of the package has been accepted internally as a program integrator by no less an august institution than IBM itself .
2 The portrait is hyper-real , with almost obsessive attention to surface , to clothing .
3 This district , with its decaying tenements , its cobbled streets shattered and stinking , the pervasive odour of massed humanity , and their filth , reminded him with almost terrifying clarity of the wharves where he had grown up .
4 It looked as though the repressive policy of James V had died with him , and that Scotland , presided over by Arran and the powerful Hamilton faction , was now moving with almost unbelievable ease towards alliance with England and some measure of Protestant reform .
5 When compared with PtpropCl 2 , 4 , the complex 5 shows additional blockages at 25 and 27 for the UV5 promoter and 75 , 77 , 88 , 102 , 108 and 116 for the N25 promoter with almost total loss of the UV5 blockage at 93 .
6 ‘ This is different , ’ Lindsey laughingly dismissed his protest , weaving her way with almost childlike excitement between rows of fruit and vegetables and racks of brightly coloured sundresses , sandals and locally made lace .
7 This position changed with almost revolutionary speed during the first two decades of the eighteenth century .
8 And now for some purpose of his own he shook her off , and with almost insulting lack of finesse .
9 Numerous witnesses for the prosecution followed each other with almost boring repetition into the box .
10 He saw himself with almost missionary zeal as a recorder of his surroundings , so as to preserve a record of the remnants of antiquated rusticity which he remembered .
11 Just a brief run , enough to draw part of the defence towards the spot , and over it went with almost amazing accuracy to the other side of the field .
12 Behind them , she envisaged the faces of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals , as she had last seen them , glistening with almost sadistic anticipation of the crushing of the young author and of giving Mr Pascall and the cigar-store merchants their proper comeuppances .
13 Certainly the thought must occur to anyone acquainted with almost any part of science , or even a small selection of scientific laws .
14 You and your neighbours , colleagues and soulmates are free to meet and set up a voluntary organization with almost any aim in mind .
15 And he had tried to be helpful about the blotter , staring at it with almost painful intensity before saying that he thought that the black markings had n't been there when he had last seen the blotter on Monday evening .
16 She refers with almost elegiac despondency to the once vast collections of eighteenth-century Polish aristocrats .
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